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Google announced on February 15 the free OS "Chrome OS Flex" that can be installed and used on PCs and Macs, and released the development version from the same day. I immediately put it in 6 units, including the old one at hand, so I would like to deliver the report. [See another image about this article] ■ What is Chrome OS Flex? In August 2020, "I tried free Chromium OS on the surplus machines! It was the content that the Chromium -based OS, CloudReady was activated, but in fact Google acquired Neverware in December of that year. At that time, I personally thought that "I will erase the disturbance!?" It was, but apparently the opposite. Based on this CloudReady, Google, who is developing Chrome OS, announced Chrome OS Flex and released the development version the other day. The content is the same as CloudReady, such as operation requirements, Linux compatible, and Android apps not supported, but when writing, CloudReady is a 94 series, and the most commonly used stable version is slightly older for the 98 series. The details will be described later, but the Chrome OS Flex released as the development version this time is 100 series. CHROME's development build is completely matched. As soon as CloudReady was a few steps behind, I was impressed that "Is it the latest when the head family is serious!" The stable version is scheduled to be released within a few months, and at this time it is possible to update from CloudReady to Chrome OS Flex free of charge. The development version (where you tried it), so there are some parts that are not stable or stable, so users who are currently using CloudReady do not need to re -enter the Chrome OS Flex in a hurry, so it is safer to wait until the stable version comes out. After that, it seems to be interesting, so it will be an installation for those who want to try it. ■ Preparation The page here is "Get Early Access To Chrome OS Flex". Press the [Try Chrome OS Flex] button to display the form that enters the name. If you register, you will receive update information, etc., but you can install Chrome OS Flex without registering here. The method is easy. Start the web browser Chrome because you can either PC or Mac. Install the extension "Chromebook Recovery Utility". This is a utility that usually creates recovery images such as Chromebook. I never thought I would divert this this time. The media prepares 8GB or more SD cards or USB memory. Start the Chromebook recovery utility, select a model from the list, use a model maker = Google Chrome OS Flex, product = Chrome OS Flex (Developer-Unstable). After that, if you boot with this media, the Chrome OS will start and the initial screen will be displayed. At first, since it is written in English, if the language and keyboard (in the case of JIS sequence) are set to Japanese, the screen will switch, and you will have two choices: installing it on storage or moving in this media. USB 3 even in the latter case.It is quite normal to use it if it is a media that corresponds to 0. Function restrictions are not particularly mentioned. This is enough to check the device system, such as trials, sounds, and cameras. In the case of the former, it is important to note that you cannot select the installation destination drive or partition, but initialize the usable drive. Therefore, when the partition is cut and multi -booted with multiple SSDs or single SSDs, the environment is rewritten to the Chrome OS. If you don't like this, you'll have to remove the storage and put it in the separately prepared storage. When the copy is completed in the storage, the power is automatically turned off, so remove the media and restart. After setting the language in the same way, if you set the Wi-Fi network or Google account, it will be the home screen of Chrome OS Flex. ■ CHROME OS Flex usability CHROME OS FLEX is a Chrome world. What is different from the web browser version is that there are task bars, notification panels, app menus, and devices in the settings. Many apps are websites, but some apps, such as calculators, files, Text editors, and LINE, are opened in another window. In the case of SSD, the startup is strangely fast, and the longer the maker logo during the boot is out, the longer it is. This is a trick that cannot be imitated on Windows and MacOS. The files can be mounted on Google Drive and SMB in the local and standard. SFTP and OneDrive can be mounted by adding extensions. Also supports virtual desktops. Linux has a processor limit described later, but if it moves, Debian 11.It is equivalent to 2 (confirmed with cat /etc /debian_version).11.2 is quite a recent release on December 20, 2021. You can install various things from the Chrome web store, so you need to customize it as needed. There is also the advantage that logging in to another Chrome OS with the same account will be taken over. By the way, can you actually do all the work with this? In my case, there are four patterns: clerical processing, writing, shooting, and development. Many data is on the NAS, so there is no problem if you mount it. All prints are already PDF. The paperwork is always Google Workspace and Office Online, so I don't have any trouble. Writing can be written if you can write without ordering the editor. Regarding the handling of photos, the demands are slightly higher, including the RAW development. Regarding shooting, I put it to Google Photo once, edit it with a Google Photo app that can use one function such as smartphones and tablets, so this is OK because it is usually. Development is used with Visual Studio Code, no problem if Linux moves, Linux can be local or cloud. Here is the Linux environment of Chrome OS.Visual Studio Code can be installed directly using Deb. After that, you can access the code with SSH FS. And if you are motivated, you will be able to work almost almost with Chrome OS. In fact, the apps that I mainly use in Mac mini are Chrome (including Gmail/Calendar/Office), Mi, Filezilla (SFTP), Visual Studio Code, Adobe Creative Cloud ), Remote Desktop ... The problem is the photo editing, and even if it is not equivalent to Photoshop, a decent app is required, but it is divisible, Mac mini is a photo edit machine, uploaded to Google Photos, then there is also a Chrome OS. 。 There will be some stories that this area cannot be used with Excel, and is it OK with Chrome OS alone? In the previous CloudReady article, there are some Linux apps and IME settings, so if you are interested, please see them together. ■ As a result of installing on various machines! I prepared six types of PCs to move this time. The models I tried are as follows. The memory is 8GB to 16GB, and the storage is all SSD (6GB/EMMC 128GB for CHUWI HI10 GO). It is an environment where Windows (11 includes NG as a processor) and MacOS. Google Octane 2 as a guide for operation speed.The score of 0 is also included.The memory is 4GB because the footprint of the OS is small, but it is troublesome to remove it, so I tried it as it was.In order to release the setting/developer (Linux) item, it is necessary to turn on the Intel Virtualization Technology relationship with the BIOS.1) HP Probook 430 G3 (previously used in CloudReady article) / 6th generation Core i5Linux errors when starting out * Google Octane 2.0 / 28,8822) Lenovo ThinkPad T440S / 4th generation Core i5Linux errors when starting out * Google Octane 2.0 / 28,680 @ CloudReady3) Minisforum Deskmini UM270 / Ryzen 7 Pro 2700U Completely operated * Google Octane 2.0 / 37,8484) Chuwi Ubook X / Gemini Lake generation Celeron N4100 The screening screen is disturbed and NG.The voice of the guide is heard, so it moves to move * Google Octane 2.0 / 15,349 @ Windows 11 Edge (Reference) 5) CHUWI HI10 GO / JASPER LAKE Generation Celeron N4500 screen is vertical.After startup, tilt the display 270 degrees in the settings to make it normal.Not touch function.I can't stand practical because it hardens frequently * Google Octane 2.0 / 24,214 @ Windows 11 Edge (Reference) 6) MacBook Pro (13-inch, mid 2012) / Error when the third generation Core i7Linux started.Keyboard backlight NG, [alphanumeric] [Kana] key function * Google Octane 2.As you can see, the 0 / 33,218 result has moved to Linux only the Minisforum Deskmini UM270.Linux is NG, but the Chrome OS Flex itself moved by HP Probook 430 G3, Lenovo ThinkPad T440S, MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2012).The bad thing was Chuwi Ubook X, Chuwi Hi10 Go.It seems that there is no case to start Linux except for developers, so it was generally OK.The touchpad of MacBook Pro (13-inch, mid 2012) also works smoothly (be careful as the model seems to be important).Although the ThinkPad T440S has the CHROME OS Flex at the very beginning, Linux does not move and the door photograph is CloudReady because the CloudReady was re -entered.All Error Starting Crostini for Terminal: 5 are Linux.When I looked it up ..."Increaseed Security CHECKS IN CHROMIUMOS V91 AND ONWARD MEAN THAT IF IS SUSCEPU IS SUSCEPU IS SUSCEPU IS SPECTRE AND MELTDOWN VULNERABILITIES.LATEST BIOS DOES NOT GUARANTEE YOUR CPU Is RUNNING THE REQUIRED MICROCODE.* Source https: // つまりChrome OS v91以降、セキュリティが厳しくなり、搭載しているCPUがSpectreおよびMeltdownの脆弱性の影響を受けている場合、Linuxは起動しない。また最新の(対策済み)BIOSだからと言って動く保証はない……ということらしい。実際、T440sとHP ProBook 430 G3は対策済みのBIOSだがLinuxは起動しなかった。 だとすると古いCPUは全滅と、なかなか厳しい条件となる。噂ではこれが理由の1つでWindows 11対応のCPUが線引きされたとも言われている(つまり第8世代未満はNG)。Ryzen 7 PRO 2700UがOKなのは、AMDのプロセッサはMeltdown脆弱性に関連する回避策が不要なのだがSpectreは対策が必要。一方だけならOKなのか……謎の部分でもある。参考までにZen 2以降は対策済みだ。 いずれにしても他のOSではここまで厳しくないこともあり、やり過ぎ感が強い。chrome://flagsなどで緩めるオプションが欲しいところだ。 CHUWI UBook XとHi10 Goはどちらもタッチパネルを搭載したタブレット(2in1)。Celeronなのでどの程度動くか見たかっただけに残念な結果となった。 UBook Xは画面が特殊なのか表示が乱れてセットアップすらできず。Hi10 Goは縦が標準なのか縦スタート。後から設定/デバイス/ディスプレイで270度回転させ正常になったが、センサーを使っての回転もできず、また何かの拍子に固まるなど全くダメだった。タッチもNG。いずれにしてもタッチパネル搭載機はドライバの問題があるので現状難しいかも知れない。 余談になるが、見つけものだったのは、Appleの初代(乾電池式)Magic MouseとTrackpad。ご存じのようにWindowsだと普通の2ボタン式マウスになってしまい使い道がない(ドライバを入れてもmacOSほどスムーズに動かない)。 Chrome OS FlexはIntel Macにも対応しているので、もしかしたら周辺機も行けるかも? と試したところバッチリ。Magic Mouseの背中を滑らすwheelやTrackpadの2本/3本指のジェスチャーにも対応。macOSとほぼ同レベルの操作性を得ることができた(新型の2は試していないので不明。多分動く)。特にWindows用の単品販売しているタッチパッドは変な仕様ななものばかりで(沈み込み式のボタンはなく固定単板。ドラッグ&ドロップはあるエリアをタップして機能など)、Chrome OS Flexをデスクトップで使う時は是非とも欲しいアイテムと言えよう。 MacBook Pro(13-inch, Mid 2012)はLinuxはNGだがChrome OS Flex自体は動きタッチパッドも使えるものの、キーボードバックライトが使えない、[英数]、[かな]キーが機能せずIMEのON/OFFはCtrl+Space。これでは古いmacOSのままの方が使い勝手は良い。Mac miniやiMacなど、キーボード(Windows用を使う)と分離している方が操作性は良さそうだ。 さて古いCPUを搭載したマシンではLinuxが動かず(Visual Studio Codemも)開発用には使えない。が、少し工夫すれば何とかなるかもと考えたのが以下の方法だ。1)Visual Studio CodeはWeb版のvscode.Use DEV 2) Since you can only handle local files, you can mounle the development server to a file in SMB or SSH FS 3) Secure Shell (SSH) Log in to the development server now, not Windows, Linux, or MacOS, but there is no bother Chrome OS Flex.If you like new things that think of the development environment, at least one or two development servers have rolled in local and cloud.If you use it instead, it is a plan.vscode.DEVs don't go as usual because the extensions that can be incorporated are limited, but it's better than that. I wrote a little code in this environment and executed it, but it worked without any problems. As mentioned above, Chrome OS Flex is a free OS for PC/Mac released by Google as a result of acquired the Neverware of CloudReady. Because it is currently a development version, it is a few months old until the stable version comes out, although it is suddenly falling and various unstable. Linux environments and processors' restrictions and Android apps that mentioned above are technically possible, but it depends on Google's mood. I would like to ask for a response. After the stable release release, when making a little composition PC (other than the state -of -the -art environment), Windows does not use this Chrome OS Flex because the cost of the OS is not ridiculous when you make your own (other than the state -of -the -art environment). I wonder. This is the fourth OS following Windows, MacOS and Linux, which seems to have such expectations.
PC Watch, Kazuhisa Nishikawa
最終更新:Impress Watch