Why don't you answer the phone? Network camera to watch the elderly [I can see my parents]

The old parents who feel suddenly feel."When will you come back next?" I hear the same thing many times, and I often stumble and fall in the house or at the entrance.

If either parent travels alone and lives alone, you will not be able to call for help even if you can not move due to cerebral infarction, sometimes you will be fatal.No matter how much you call you, you may not be responsive and you may rush to your parents' home to confirm your safety.If the cognitive function is reduced, risks such as "wandering", "fire", and "heat stroke" will increase further.

なぜ電話に出ない? 高齢親の見守りにネットワークカメラ【実家見える化】

"How do I keep the safety and health of parents living away?"One of the solutions to such heavy troubles is "home smart home".

Various devices such as cameras, sensors, smart remote controls connected to the Internet are introduced, and DIY has been smart home with DIY.Remember the situation in the house and the behavior of the parent, control air conditioners and home appliances.Furthermore, on behalf of schedule management and visiting customers, malicious sales aiming for elderly homes are repelled.

In the first time, we will introduce the introduction and operation of a network camera that will be the “watching eye of the elderly who live away, and examples of the installation of various sensors that assist it.

第1回:なぜ電話に出ない? 高齢親の見守りにネットワークカメラ 第2回:「OK グーグル」が高齢母の生活を変える 家電スマート化で快適に 第3回:空き巣対策と近所の交流の復活。スマートロック&ドアベルが効果絶大