Reasons for the release of "ThinkPad X1 Nano" from DOCOMO, Communication Device in the Wiz Corona era to ask President Lenovo

THINKPAD X1 nano appears from DoCoMo

―― This is “ThinkPad X1 Nano”. Please tell us why this model was chosen as a docomo product this time.

Bennett We expect "ACPC" (Always Connected PC, constantly connected PC).In Japan, AT & T, Verizon, France Orange, and China's China Mobile (China) handle many personal computers.

 There is a tendency in other countries because the user has an expectation of 5G and constant connections, and the connection with a carrier is important to realize it.

 If the user is looking for a product with a built -in communication module, I would like to work with a carrier and increase the number of models that can be connected.Until now, carriers have not handled many personal computers in Japan.However, I guess that many PCs will be handled according to the needs.

 It was necessary to be light so that it could be brought anywhere if it was a product that could lead to communication.Therefore, ThinkPad X1 Nano, which cuts less than 1kg, was selected.

 Until now, why could not get such a product is the balance with the battery life.There is no point in keeping the battery (even if it is light).Finally, the balance between the battery technology and the weight reduction technology of the main unit, I was able to realize a 22 -hour battery life while cutting 1 kg.

 In addition, we are particular about the comfort of the keyboard, and include the functions needed for telework and tele cool.For example, by placing four microphone rays, it will pick up the voice of the person who speaked in front of or behind the computer, and it will be okay to drop it by a "torture test" with more than 200 items.It is.

 Furthermore, the "Windows 11" to be released will be more integrated with the Android smartphone.You can also display the message received on your smartphone on your computer, reply from there, or use Android apps on your computer.

――What are the benefits of being handled by DoCoMo?I think there are options to buy at Lenovo direct sales and electronics retailers ...

Mr. Bennett, from the perspective of our manufacturer, ThinkPad X1 Nano is a product that is conscious of 5G connections and constantly connecting from the beginning of the design.Therefore, I think it is best to be a partner and a partner and sell with a carrier.From the beginning of the design, I made it with my carrier so that the user experience when using the network is the best.

Lenovo Suzuki By the way, a plan that can be affordable by purchasing a docomo line user from DOCOMO is also prepared.

――What happen to Lenovo's support system in this partnership with DOCOMO?

I hope you can think of it as the same as a regular Lenovo product.

What are the 5G modules built -in benefits?

――In the future device, from the perspective of microphones, speakers, or software, it seems that some elements that are likely to be important in the future for communication will appear in the future.

Bennett We say ACPC, but most importantly, if you have a 5G module, you can work anywhere.Until now, there have been 4G models, but 5G can solve user interest in security issues.


 Until now, connecting to some coffee shop Wi-Fi ... it was troublesome and the network was unreliable.In that regard, a personal computer with a 5G module can use a network provided by a carrier, so it is very good from a security perspective.

 In addition, all services, including Microsoft's "Office 365", will be clouded.You can access your desktop from any place.You can access the work environment and private environment using multiple accounts from one device, and even if you are outside, you can use it as if you were at your home.

 On the other hand, in terms of hardware, we develop ThinkPad and will be the 30th anniversary next year, but we value keyboard touch from the beginning.Even if you take a questionnaire to the user, you can see that the key of the key is also important.We are proud to pay attention to it and make the best in the industry.

 Since the Corona evil, PCs have been attracting attention as a device for communication.Telework and teled cooling are increasing so much that the number of people who do not meet on personal computers is now decreasing.

 Of course, there are smartphones and tablets, but when it comes to work interviews, it's a laptop.Our laptops have high -performance cameras from the design stage, take into account the position of the microphone, so that taxis and coffee shops can be the best meetings anywhere.

――The user's trend is that meetings are important.Did the sales of models with web cameras have improved, and have the trends of such relevant peripherals also changed?

From the trend of Bennett, I can say two things.One, the model equipped with LTE and 5G modules has increased dramatically in the past year.We Lenovo pride with more options for models with communication modules than any other manufacturer.

 In the Lenovo online shop, about 25 % of users buy a 5G model in the latest ThinkPad X1 nano.Until now, the Wi-Fi model was the mainstream, so it can be said that the needs of LTE and 5G are definitely raised.

「ThinkPad X1 Nano」がドコモから発売される理由、レノボ社長に聞くウイズコロナ時代のコミュニケーションデバイス

――I feel that even tethering such as smartphones can realize the same usability as the built -in module type.What are the benefits of built -in modules in that respect?

I think that the benefits of Bennett's built -in type can be divided into two.

 What has changed in the last one or two years is the work style.For example, the style of expanding the personal computer quickly in a taxi, and closing it quickly has increased.With a mobile router, it is necessary to check if it is connected, and it takes a little time.If you have a built -in module type, you can use it immediately when you open the computer.This is the first merit.


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  •  The second is that the OS is also clouding.Such software cannot be used without a network.In the mobile router, there are problems such as charging and connecting, but if the module is built -in type, it can be used as long as the personal computer is charged.These convenience would be important in using cloud -ized software.

     In addition, the model announced this time is 5G compatible.It has become very important not only in e -mail or web research, but also that you can connect at 5G no matter what kind of work you do.(By increasing the capacity of the data to be handled), you will need more bandwidth than before.When handling a lot of data, such as virtual desktops and browsers, you can use the built -in module with confidence.

    ――The 5G area in Japan is still under development.I think that the LTE model so far can be used to some extent comfortably, but is there a clear difference between 5G and 4G?

    Mr. Bennetto Certainly, it is still a transition to 5G, but his career is working hard.Of course, 4G can be used without any problems, but I think that 5G is the best because the comfort is probably reduced if the virtual desktop or clouded software is probably not 5G.


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  • DOCOMO's "Instant Heart 5g" I heard from the person in charge of the reason that the large -scale area could be expanded this summer.

  •  The more interesting thing about 5G is that as before, not only smartphones, personal computers, tablets, but also various devices such as XR are connected.If you can connect to more devices, for example, you will be able to do XR experience without a computer outside, or play high -resolution games with streaming, and you will be able to do what you have never done.

    5G PC in the cloud era

    ――It was easier to use with 5G compatible PCs for the cloud age.I am worried about the appearance of cloud native software on users.

    Bennett is "Device Portability".In the case of a smartphone, the same content can be used if you use a cloud service when you buy it from an Android from an iPhone or vice versa.

     Perhaps a computer has come to such an era.You can use the same data from any device, as in Offie 365.At 5G, you can realize not only applications and data but also virtual desktops.


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     I think it would have been very easy to use, such as logging in to work desktops through 5G, accessing private desktops, or doing anything from one device.

     The other is integration with Windows 11 Android.Apple products integrate computers, smartphones and tablets well.In Windows 11, the integration has improved very much.As I mentioned earlier, you can see your smartphone message on your computer or easily share files.

    ―― In the case of a smartphone, you can copy the environment such as the application as it is when you change the model.It seems useful if you can do that when you buy a new THINKPAD X1 nano.

    A similar experience is possible.Most cloud -based applications can be migrated from the previous Windows computer to ThinkPad X1 nano, but those used only in local are installed manually.

     However, such situations are actually decreasing, and many users use cloud applications and browser -based ones.For example, a game requires manual installation, but the save data is stored in the cloud, and if you install it, you can take over the same environment.In that respect, you can experience the same as a smartphone.

    ―― (Horin) Windows 11 will also be released, but Microsoft emphasizes “accessibility” so that any person can use devices.How do you see such trends as Lenovo?And how do you convey it to Japanese consumers?

    He has been often heard recently about the words such as SDGs.Accessibility is important, including not only the environment but also the user experience.Lenovo's idea is to provide environment -friendly and -friendly experiences.

     I think the accessibility function will be easier to use.Regarding voice commands, if the arrangement of the microphone is not good, it will not recognize it well, which will lead to stress.Functions such as cortana are easier to use due to the quality and arrangement of the microphone, so we are making them with Microsoft.

     The same is true for cameras.The gesture operation will not work unless the camera is well -recognized.We are devising a high -performance camera to recognize gestures even if it is dark.

     We also consider blue light cuts and eyes -friendly contrast.You can't work without a computer.PCs are essential, such as the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's "GIGA School Concept".If you think so, the accessibility function is important.

    Lenovo Public Relations, by the way, in Lenovo, apart from the design team, there is a team that audits the "product diversity office" that has enough accessibility.For example, if the design team is only men, it may be difficult for women to use it, and it works to prevent it.