The Mamy Hayashida Yohei, surprisingly fun "Failure Photo" (QJWEB Quick Japan Web)

The Mamy Hayashida Yohei

写真を撮ることにこだわりを持つアーティストやお笑い芸人による連載「QJWebカメラ部」。【写真】The Mamy Hayashida Yoheiが撮影した渾身のメシ写真金曜日はThe Mamy Hayashida Yoheiが担当する。『キングオブコント2021』では、準優勝に輝いたザ・マミィの頭脳、林田。そんな彼は、自身のインスタグラムで発信するエモーショナルな写真も話題となっている。林田が、日常の中で、ついシャッターを切りたくなるのはどんな瞬間なのか。

The Mamy Hayashida Yohei、案外楽しい「失敗写真」(QJWeb クイック・ジャパン ウェブ)

It doesn't have to be taken well

Shooting = Yohei Hayashida

When I take a picture with an instant camera, I'm surprised that about half is not good at all.The most common is the guy who is too close and is not in focus.The meal system seems to be almost like.In the rice shop, the act of burning flash in the store is too distant, and it is often not possible to make detailed adjustments because it is taken out quickly.But when I developed it, I walked around the city in my heart, saying, "Hey, what's it!It's fun to talk to the passengers, "Hey, please look at this!It's surprisingly fun to not work.I love the time to face the bad self.I don't know if it worked at the stage of shooting in the first place.You don't have to do it until it goes well because you don't know.It's nice to give up.Very easy and nice.Instant cameras are easy and fun.

Shooting = Yohei Hayashida

I took a cake last Christmas but failed.She really wanted to take a picture, but I remember that she had to turn off the candlelight rather than that.As expected, failed.Look at the failure and remember the landscape at that time.It doesn't have to be taken well.Today, we have read the string lined up just to convince "failure" as "not a failure".The photos have never been taken.