That tweet, with BTS a decisive attitude, was the world's most RT this year (BuzzFeed Japan) --Yahoo! News



BTS members

"We oppose racism," "blame violence."A tweet with the world's popular idol group "BTS (BTS)" in March this year has shown a attitude to oppose Asian discrimination.Twitter has recently announced that the post was the most retweeted tweet in 2021.[BUZZFEED JAPAN / Sumiroko Tomita]

BTSが断固とした姿勢を示した、あのツイートが、今年の世界最多RTに(BuzzFeed Japan) - Yahoo!ニュース

BTS tweet

BTSは3月30日、韓国語と英語でのアジア人差別に反対する声明をツイートしました。ツイートは、100万回以上リツイートされ、250万を超えるいいねがついています。声明では、BTS membersがアジア人差別に直面した経験を共有し、人種差別や暴力に断固として反対する思いを綴りました。新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大後、欧米ではアジア人に対するヘイトが大きな問題となっていました。アジア人というだけで路上などで言いがかりをつけられ、暴行を受けるなどの事件が頻発し、日本人も被害に遭っていました。アメリカのジョージア州アトランタ市および近郊では3月、アジア系の従業員が多く働くマッサージ店複数を21歳の男が相次いで銃撃し、アジア系6人を含む8人が死亡しました。

The full text of the BTS statement translated by BuzzFeed News is as follows.

We sincerely congratulate those who have lost their loved ones. We feel sorrow and anger. We also remember when we faced discrimination as an Asian. We have endured the abuse for no reason and being ridiculed by appearance. I've been asked why Asians are speaking English. For that reason, pain in being targeted for hate or violence cannot be used as words. Compared to what happened in the last few weeks, our experience is insignificant. But these experiences were more than enough to reduce our self -esteem. What is happening now cannot be separated from our Asian identity. We spent a lot of time, talked about how to make our message into voice, and thought deeply about this. But it is clear that we need to convey. We oppose racism. We blame violence. You, me, and us have the right to be respected. Let's confront together.

最終更新:BuzzFeed Japan