This corner looks back on the nostalgic microcomputer and computer with photos.This time, the first installment of the notebook PC-98 series, which debuted with the nickname of 98note, will be the first installment of the PC-9801N.Released in 1989.
Until the middle of the 1980s, a computer was released by many companies, but when the end of the 1980s can be seen, the manufacturer is gradually narrowed down.Meanwhile, PC-9801N, nickname 98note, released on November 24, 1989 as a PC-98 that NEC can carry.
キーボードは、テンキーが無いことと一部キーの配置が移動している以外は、デスクトップ型とそう大差はありません。ただし、パームレストが存在しないことが、今のノートパソコンとの最大の違いかもしれません。左上には、電源ボタンも見えます。At that time, Toshiba's Dynabook (J-3100 SS) was released earlier, and NEC has developed this unit in a short period of three months following it.I have talked to a person who knows that area, but unfortunately it is said that it is said that it is prohibited to disclose information at the moment, but it was certainly like a quoted article.。
広告では、98NOTEというネーミングが大々的に告知され、キャッチコピーである「パソコンの新しいかたち、ついに登場」は小さく書かれていました。The advertisement states that "the 98note is a completely new personal computer with the functions of the PC-9800 series to A4 file size."There are a number of such features of this unit, but one of them is RAM drive.
The conventional PC-98 series is 5 inches or 3.Most of the models have two 5 -inch drive, and the software was also made on the premise of two -drive installation.The PC-9801N, which has been introduced to such a market, has only one drive, so it will hinder the operation of commercially available software as it is.Therefore, it was set 1.It was a RAM drive with 25MB capacity.
Here, you can play games and use business software by copying the whole disc to be used at the time of launch.However, if the starting disk was applied, you could not copy it, so you could not operate such a work.
If the PC-9801N did not give such a big impact, each soft house might have passed through, but that was not the case.With the appearance of this unit, the launch of the launch disk is a non -protection, and the software has appeared to protect another disk, and some have shifted to manual protection, and it has caused changes in terms of copying protect.Will be.
背面は、左上の部分がモデムボードを搭載するスロットで、その下が左からテンキーボードコネクタ、マウスコネクタ、RS-232Cコネクタ、プリンタポート、110ピン拡張バスとなっています。テンキーボードコネクタには、一般的なPC-98用キーボードを接続して使用することが可能です。Although it is the specifications of PC-9801N, V30 10MHz is used for the CPU.The main memory is 640KB, and the graphic VRAM is 256KB.The screen was an liquid crystal display with an EL backlight, with two scales with 640 x 400 dots 8 gradations.
The mounted battery is about 1 if it is fully charged..It can be operated for 5 hours and can be used for about 3 hours using a large -capacity battery pack.Still, the size is 316 × depth 253 x 44mm high, the weight is 2.It was about 7kg, almost in A4 size.2.The weight of 7kg is a bit sloppy when actually held.If you add an AC adapter to this, it will be almost 3kg, so you may not be willing to carry it now (laughs).
右側面には3.5インチFDDが1基、左側面には電源コネクタと拡張RAMカードの挿入口、さらには蓋を開けることでディップスイッチとリセットボタン、バッテリーバックアップスイッチが顔を見せます。The number of dip switches is smaller than the previous PC-98 series, and the contents are briefly written on the open lid, so it is a convenient part to save the trouble of checking each time.The fact that the reset switch is arranged next to it does not press the reset button if the lid is closed is a different part from the conventional desktop PC-98 series.
You can call the "98note menu" by pressing the Help key while pressing the power, or by pressing the Help key and reset / Ctrl + GRPH + Help key.From here, you can copy it to the RAM drive, and set the actual drive to the first and second drive.
上面奥(写真では手前)には、バッテリパックが設置されています。スライドさせれば簡単に取り外すことができ、その間は内蔵のバッテリにてRAMドライブの内容が保持されます。With the appearance of PC-9801N, the PC-98 series can be used regardless of location, and games can now be played on the futon without bothering to the PC desk.I don't know if these parts have affected it, but it seems that this unit was planning to ship 50,000 units in about 5 months until the end of the year, but as a result it will ship 100,000 units.It was a big hit product.