Studio Ghibli's first sightseeing video "Let's play in the wind and play.Approximately 300,000 playbacks in 2 weeks released | Aichi Prefecture Press Release

<"Let's play in the wind." Special site>

 この作品は、スタジオジブリが初めて手掛けた観光動画。愛知県内の観光スポットを単に紙芝居的に見せるのではなく、主人公の少女が「風になって」県内各地を駆け巡るストーリー仕立ての構成になっています。 ジブリ作品に通底する、風や飛翔、走る喜びや、歴史を感じるノスタルジーを巧みに織り込んだ構成に加え、映像や音楽とのシナジーも相まって、公開直後から、YouTube上では好意的な反応が続出。2月10日(木)午後2時現在、6千件を超える高評価と300件以上のコメントが寄せられています。 本リリースでは、この作品の制作に携わったクリエイター陣の思いをご紹介するとともに、YouTube上で本作品を観た方々のコメントを振り返ります。

 This work is a live -action work taken in Aichi Prefecture throughout the whole story.A Studio Ghibli producer Toshio Suzuki said at a media presentation held on Thursday, January 27, saying, "It is very unusual to work on things that are not animated (Ghibli)."

 実写映像で、ジブリの作品世界がしっかり表現される作品を――。 この難題を託されたのが、中川龍太郎監督。かねてから中川監督の才能を評価していた鈴木プロデューサーが抜擢しました。鈴木プロデューサーはその理由を「性格が宮崎駿にそっくり。その感性、やることなすこと、非常にそっくり(だから)」と説明しています。

In order to express the feeling of sprinting of Ghibli works, Director Nakagawa has selected Rara Sonohara (living in Aichi Prefecture) with beautiful running form as a girl.© 2022 Studio GHIBLI

 中川監督は、この難題を「スタジオジブリの素晴らしい作品たちが表現してきた、疾走感や冒険への憧れを表現する『挑戦』」(本人コメント)と受け止め、制作をスタート。ジブリの作品世界に通じるロケ地を探すため、この種のショートムービーでは異例となる、通算10日以上に及ぶロケハンを愛知県内で実施しました。 さらに、ジブリ作品では、「走る喜び」「疾走感」も重要な要素。中川監督は、出演者の「走り方」にもこだわり、オーディション参加者に実際に走ってもらう選考を重ねて、ぴったりの逸材を見つけだしました。 YouTube上のコメントを見ると、これらのこだわりが作品を観た方々にしっかりと伝わっていることがわかります。
【YouTube上のコメント】○ アニメだけじゃなく映像もワクワクするってほんとジブリマジック○ 凄い、もうこれだけで実写版トトロじゃん!○ 愛知の色々知ってる場所なのに、ジブリの世界観に合っていて凄いと思う。それぞれの場所が、映画の一場面とリンクして見える。○ すごい!ジブリに実際に出てきそうなところばっかり!!○ 女の子の脚力でらやべぇ○ 女の子の走り方すごくいいな 軽やかでワクワクする

 As introduced at the beginning, this work is a keyword for "nostalgia that feels the wind, flying, joy of running, and history", but "wind" is the most important word included in the work title.How to express "wind", the creator's thoughts on this work will increase the voltage towards this proposition, but under Director Nakagawa, the video and the music have drawn it brilliantly.rice field.In this work, in order to express the "wind" and "sprinting feeling", it was a heavy use of drones, and the white arrow stood there.He was an up -and -coming video creator who played a focus on YouTube, and although he had no work with the movie world, the talent of the new generation has gone beyond that barrier and created a video as if watching animation movies.

The drone's shooting led to an expression that makes the person watching himself an illusion that he has become the wind.© 2022 Studio GHIBLI

Ussiy氏本人は、本作品のメイキング映像の中で、映画界で活躍してきたクリエイターたちと仕事をすることについて「ちょっとの不安と、話についていけない場面もあった」と正直に吐露していますが、見事に、期待に応える撮影と編集を成し遂げたのです。その撮影の真髄は、「自分自身がジブリ作品の『風』や『疾走感』を感じさせる『何か』になったつもりで、撮影や空撮を行った」という本人のコメントに凝縮されます。この「なりきり」感が作品を観た方々に伝わったことが、YouTube上のコメントからも読み取れます。 さらに、音楽の効果も絶大。本作品の音楽は、映画『モテキ』(第35回日本アカデミー賞優秀音楽賞)やNetflix『全裸監督』シリーズなどで注目すべき実績を積み上げてきた作曲家・岩崎太整氏が担当。岩崎氏は、本作品に携わるにあたり、「中心にあるのは『ジブリの風』。皆に共通していたのがこのイメージでした」(本人コメント)と狙いを定め、「風」を意識した曲作りに取り掛かります。しかし、実際に作業を始めてみると、「『彫刻はあらかじめ石の中にその形を内包している』という言葉がありますが、(本作品の)作曲を進めるうちに、自然とその様な不思議な感覚に満たされました。風に導かれるままに作った、といえば、本当にそうなのかもしれません」(同)という結果に。まさに、映像と音楽が一体となった瞬間を私たちに見せてくれました。 このことについては、前述のメイキング映像の中でUssiy氏が興味深いコメントをしています。すなわち、本作品は、通常のSNS向け動画と異なり、音楽先行ではなく、映像先行で編集が行われたということ。岩崎氏は、Ussiy氏による「自分自身がジブリ作品の『風』や『疾走感』を感じさせる『何か』になったつもり」の映像に合わせる形で、曲作りを進め、演奏を率いました。このことが、岩崎氏の感性や技量と化学反応を起こし、「風に導かれるままに作った」という境地に達せしめたと言えそうです。YouTube上では、音楽と演奏への賛辞も見て取れます。


【YouTube上のコメント】○ 少女が走り出した瞬間、カメラの視点がまるで風になったような気持ちにさせてくれた。○ カメラワークのおかげで臨場感が本当に凄すぎるし、現実世界なのにジブリの中に入ってるみたいだなって思ってたらメイとサツキの家(原文ママ)が出てきて鳥肌立ちました…。○ 風に乗って、豊かな自然と暮らす人々の気配や歴史を感じながら旅している様で、心地よく、この土地を大切にしたいなぁ、と胸に迫るものがありました。商業的じゃなく、物語を展開させるPR動画…流石です。○ 音楽で一気にジブリの世界観素敵!○ 流れてる曲が、過去のジブリ作品を思い出させてくれて、気づいたら全部見てました。○ 絶対ヘッドセットして観るべき作品。音響くっそいい

 The creators intended to make Aichi Prefecture a sightseeing destination from the tourism passing point. Certainly, Aichi Prefecture has a strong image of "manufacturing prefecture = industrial prefecture", and the subconscious is that industrial and sightseeing are incompatible, and it may not be selected as a destination for sightseeing trips. However, the trend of sightseeing is now not only touching local scenery and taste, but also "experience" the life, culture, and interaction with people. From pottery and ceramics to fibers, cars, aircraft and rockets, the manufacturing amount of manufacturing products for more than 40 years and the manufacturing of Aichi Prefecture, which has continued to be the best in Japan, has been used in the ancient times, the Warring States period, and wood processing that have been built in Nagoya Castle. It is a great culture that brings geographical, historical and humanities entanglement, such as the accumulation of maker technology and the birth of great inventors and entrepreneurs. And the rich nature that has nurtured the culture, the sea, mountains and remote islands. Aichi Prefecture will notice that it is a natural treasure trove that appears in Ghibli works. In response to the work created in this way, Director Nakagawa said, "I want many people to come to Aichi Prefecture or Ghibli Park through this work" (comments), and the video director usSSIY said, "I saw this work. But many people would be happy if they could go to Aichi Prefecture. " If you look at the comments on YouTube, you can see that they are well transmitted. However, there are two more important things. That is the fact that this work has been aware of the charms of Aichi prefecture's citizens and praise for the splendor of the original landscape of Japan.

 According to Aichi Prefecture's survey, it is unlikely that the citizens of the prefecture will recommend sightseeing in Aichi Prefecture to friends and colleagues, and even in the 2020 survey, 48.0 % of the options are "unlikely".I am choosing.It is difficult to attract tourists to prefectures that the citizens of the prefecture do not recommend.However, Director Nakagawa (from Kanagawa Prefecture, living in Tokyo), who traveled around Aichi Prefecture for more than two weeks for more than two weeks in the location hunting and shooting of this work, sent this message to Aichi citizens."I wouldn't be happy if people who actually live in Aichi have rediscovered the wonderfulness of their hometown through this work."

In this work, there are many scenes reminiscent of the original scenery of Japan.Make the viewer feel nostalgic.© 2022 Studio GHIBLI

 また、本作品では、愛知県の素晴らしい自然景観とひとびとの暮らしの情景も描かれていますが、このことについて、音楽の岩崎氏はこう言います。「日々の生活の中で、つい見落としてしまう情景。かつては毎日の様に気づいたものでも、時が経つと中々気づけない事も多いです。作中には愛知県の素晴らしい景色が登場します。けれど、この景色は誰もが皆持っているものなのだとも思います。この作品を観ることによって、少しその事を思い出してくれたら嬉しいです」。 本作品は、愛知県民に対し、自らが暮らす県の魅力を改めて見つめ直すきっかけを作ってくれたともいえそうです。同時に、この作品のもう一つの重要なキーワードである、「ノスタルジー」を強く印象づけることにもなりました。
【YouTube上のコメント】○ 愛知をこんなに魅力的に表現してくれてありがとうございます…!!!!愛知県民でよかった…!!○ 県内各地の見慣れた景色を、美しく撮ってもらえて嬉しい!愛知県にも素敵な場所がたくさんあることを、県民にも県外の人にも知ってほしいです。○ 愛知県以外に住んだことのない私ですが、祖父の家の近くから始まり、通りすがっただけの場所、行ったことのない場所、知らない場所、いろんな場所があって、何だか感動しました。○ なんでかわからんが 涙がでてくる○ なぜか涙が出ました。我が子に日本の素敵な景色をたくさん見せてあげたいと感じました。○ 幼い頃の記憶にジブリの様な風景があったのはこうゆう事か~○ なんでだろう?映像を見ると自然と涙が出てくる。懐かしくて愛おしい気持ちになる。不思議だな。。

 The tourist videos "Let's play in the wind and play."In Aichi Prefecture, we will take advantage of this work in anticipation of the opening of the Ghibli Park on November 1 this year.((15 spots introduced in this work)) Introducing a total of 15 spots in each area in Aichi Prefecture, in line with the history, industry, natural and urban landscape.* The number is the order of introduction in the video

(1) The Taguchi Line, which was active until 1968 (Showa 43), the former Toyohashi Railway Taguchi Line (Shinshiro City, Shitara Town).There are places along the abandoned line where you can see traces of the time.On the roadside station, there is a real thing of the wooden vehicle "Moha 14" that was active on the Taguchi Line, and the tools used at the time were displayed in the car.(2) Arimatsu flourished as an inn between the former Tokaido (Nagoya City).In 2016, for the first time along the highway in a large city, it was selected as a national important traditional building preservation area.③ Tokoname Yakimono Walking Road (Tokoname City) Tokoname -yaki featuring unique vermilion and gloss.The "Tokoname and Kimono Wantrails", which spread in the town of Tokoname ware, is a nostalgic space with brick chimney and kilns in alley like a maze.

④ The small -diameter museum (Seto City) of the kiln wall (Seto -shi) is a landscape that can only be seen in Seto, which can only be seen in Seto, a fence and walls made by stacking kiln -to -kilns.The small diameter museum of the kiln fence is built along the small diameter of about 400m that connects the kiln fence.⑤ A historic shrine located at the foot of Shiroyama where the National Treasure Inari Shrine (Inuyama City) Inuyama Castle is built.There are many women and couples worshiping with the beauty of the torii gate and the cuteness of the heart ema.⑥ National Treasure Inuyama Castle (Inuyama City) It is one of the five national treasure castles, and the castle tower is the oldest in Japan that survives.It was founded by Nobunaga Oda's uncle Nobuyasu Oda.Not only is the view from the castle tower, but I also look forward to walking around the castle town where many shops are lined up.

⑦ Oasis 21 (Nagoya City) A city center oasis located in the center of Nagoya. A glass roof floating in the air, called the "water spaces of water," is a symbol, with water filled on the roof, especially at night. ⑧ Toyota Museum (Nagakute City) Get off at Geidori Station at 2 stops from the nearest station of Ghibli Park, the nearest station of Ghibli Park. The Kumakan displays not only Toyota cars but also 140 typical vehicles in Japan, the United States and Europe. Inside, there is a Fiat 500 that appears as Lupine's favorite car in Hayao Miyazaki's first director's work, Lupine III Cagliostro Castle. ⑨ Aichi Aviation Museum (Toyoyama Town) A museum with an aircraft in Nagoya Airport. The highlights are the actual aircraft exhibition, including the first domestic passenger aircraft "YS-11", which flew at Nagoya Airport for the first time. There is also a real model of Zero Fighter created by the main character Jiro Horikoshi, the main character of Studio Ghibli.

⑩ Handa Red Brick Building (former Kabuto Beer Factory) (Handa City) Born as a beer manufacturing plant during the Meiji era.The brand of the beer that was manufactured is "Kabuto Beer", which appears as a sign in front of Nagoya Station, drawn by the Studio Ghibli work "Kazetsu Ninu".⑪ Sakushima (Nishio City) A remote island floating in Mikawa Bay, and the artworks exhibited everywhere are attractive.Each is a photogenic work that makes you want to cut off the camera shutter, and you can stay on this island for a special time.⑫ Koijigahama (Tahara City) A white beach in Shirahama that lasts about 1 km along the Pacific Ocean.The origin of the name is also called the Waka of the Edo period, and is now popular as a lover's sacred place.It is also famous for the stage of Shimazaki Fujimura's lyric poem "Palm Fruit".

⑬ ⑬ ⑬ 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽.It is also popular as a power spot because the central structural line is running nearby with plenty of negative ions.⑭ A terraced rice terraces about 400 years ago in a mountain village spread on the slope of Senmada (Shinshiro City) in Yotsuya.The original landscape of Japan, like a fairy tale, coexists with nature and nature, spreads.⑮ Satsuki and Mei's House (Nagakute City) The “Satsuki and Mei's House” that appears in the Studio Ghibli work “My Neighbor Totoro” is faithfully reproduced.After the opening of Ghibli Park, it will be included in the forest.

● Director Ryutaro Nakagawa Movie director, writer.poets.Born in Kanagawa Prefecture in 1990."The Long Dream of April" (17) won one of the four major film festivals in the world, the Moscow International Film Festival Double."Quiet rain" (20) is an official invitation to Busan International Film Festival.Hulu Original "Slow Breath" (21) is being distributed.From April 1, 2012, it will be released to the sea soon.

● Video director USSIY lovers to work.Born and raised in Fukushima Prefecture, after graduating from high school, he worked in a factory.He became interested in video after producing a wedding entertainment movie with his friend.He learned shooting and editing skills on his own, retired from the factory at the end of 2018 and went to a video creator.Currently, he works mainly on self -expression on SNS such as YouTube, and has many tie -ups with overseas companies as well as Japan.

● Music Iwasaki Taito composer.Representative works are "SR Saita Mano Rapper" series, movies "Moteki", "Appeared in Giant Hyobu Tokyo", the anime "Blood Front" series, the anime "Hisone and Son", the Netflix "Naked Director" series, the movie.There are "dragon and freckles princess".In addition, the issue of the 86th NHK National School Music Competition High School "I am looking at me", the stage "Hedwig and Angry inch" music director.Received the 35th Japan Academy Award for Excellent Music Award in the movie "Moteki".