The invasion of Ukraine in Russia is likely to have a negative effect on the development of human science.03/04 08:20

ロケット残骸が月面に衝突へ 観測で貴重なデータ得られる可能性 豪紙報道

On March 4, the used rocket booster collides at a speed of about 9,700 km / h.03/03 07:22

2013年のチェリャビンスク隕石、月誕生時の惑星衝突を示唆か ケンブリッジ大の研究

Nine years ago, on February 15, 2013, a meteorite fell to Cheriavinsk, Russia.02/24 08:32

宇宙飛行環境におけるウイルスの脅威 ドイツ航空宇宙センターの研究

Over the past two years, human virus riots have suffered a lot of damage.02/23 11:50


The James Webb Space Telescope launched on December 25, 2021 is about to finish the first step work of aligning the main mirror with the near -infrared camera.02/21 17:28

イプシロンマシンによる地球外生命探査の方法 カリフォルニア工科大の研究

Until now, in space biology, we have thoroughly investigated the existence of elements and molecules that are the material of life in the universe for exploring extraterrestrial life.02/18 11:28


ASTRA, a small US small rocket venture, which was just reported that the first trajectory was successful in November last year, was held on February 10..It seems that the launch failed again in the first commercial launch of 3.02/17 12:04

プロキシマケンタウリ星系で新惑星発見 質量は地球の4分の1 ESOの研究

Proximaken tauri is the star closest to the sun and the distance is about 4.25 light years.02/14 17:07


SPACEX has sent a letter to the U.S. Communication Committee (FCC) for NASA's concerns about the impact on the mission, regarding Starlink 2nd generation (Gen 2), which plans to launch 30,000 Starlink satellite.02/14 11:56


SPACEX launched 49 communication satellite Starlink from the Kennedy Space Center on April 4 with a Falcon 9 rocket.02/13 08:51


Cold days have been continuing recently, but this season is a great time when the atmosphere is dry and the beautiful starry sky is seen.02/09 08:36

地球の水、地球誕生前からすでに太陽系に存在 仏国立科学研究センター

The most important substance, which is thought to hold the key to the birth of a life in the universe, is water.02/08 08:46

火星の海はなぜ消えてしまったのか 東大の研究


In the past, Mars had the same sea like Earth, but it disappeared for some reason.02/05 10:59

地球と公転軌道を共有する小惑星、その軌道安定性は バルセロナ大の研究

It is well known that the cause of the extinction of dinosaurs was an asteroid, but in terms of astronomical theory, there are asteroids that share the orbital orbit with the earth (experts are called the "Earth Troyal asteroids")., Not well known.02/04 15:27

経済的な火星旅行にクマの冬眠メカニズムを応用 欧州宇宙機関の研究

In science fiction movies, the spacecraft crew is often seen in a capsule, but there is an era where such sights are becoming a reality.02/02 08:03


NASA has launched the James Web Space Telescope into the final target track on the 25th of Japan time.01/27 17:01

M31で発見された珍しいブラックホール ユタ大学の研究

Speaking of black holes, the star of the stars (10 to several tens of times the solar quantity), which is the end of the large amount of stars, and the ultra -large black hole in the center of the galaxy (more than 1 million times the solar quality).It is common, and each of the formation mechanisms are being elucidated.01/26 07:57

土星の衛星ミマス、分厚い氷の殻の下に内部海か 米国での研究

The research team of Southwest Research Institute (SWRI) has announced research results indicating that large amounts of liquid water exist under the ice shell of 21 to 31 km in thickness in Saturn's first satellite Mimas.。01/25 17:48


In 1985, the Italian Navy's helicopter aircraft carrier "Giuseppe Garibaldi", who served in the Italian Navy and was scheduled to end the operation this year, will be renovated into a platform for satellite launch rockets.01/21 08:52

南極で発見された隕石から火星の生命を探る カーネギー科学研究所

ALH84001, a meteorite from Mars found in Antarctica, was in the spotlight in 1996, in 1996, announcing that the NASA -led research team seemed to have traces of organic compounds brought by life.01/17 16:21


The European Space Organization (ESA) is looking for a cyber attack idea for ultra-small satellite OPS-SAT.01/16 16:58

赤色超巨星が超新星爆発する様子を観測 天文史上初

Research teams such as the University of California have succeeded in observing in real time, as a huge star, which has reached the dead, causing a supernova explosion.01/13 11:37

NASA、矮小銀河で超大質量ブラックホールを発見 世界初

NASA's Chandra X -ray Astronomical Observatory has announced that it has discovered an ultra -large black hole with 200,000 times as much as the sun at the Dwarf Galaxy MRK462.01/12 07:51

中国・嫦娥5号、月面で水の存在を直接確認 世界初

China's lunar unmanned spacecraft 嫦。 嫦 嫦。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。01/11 11:13


It was launched on December 25, and the NASA's James Web Space Telescope (JWST), which was flying to the lagrange point, was successfully deployed.01/07 16:35

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