Snapchat warns the dangers of third-party apps --Cnet Japan

 Snapchat warns users to 100 million active users on the morning of October 14, which claims to coordinate with the company's messaging services.


 "Snapchat" is a service that shares photos and videos, and the sent image is deleted as soon as the recipient views.But since last week, the service has been criticized.A third -party service connected to Snapchat has been hacked.This was a service that allows the "snap" recipients to back up the photos and videos sent.Snapchat users were stolen and published more than 13GBs, centered on photos stored on this third party site, which contained a large amount of sexual explicit images.About 200,000 Snapchat users affected by this hacking.

 In a blog post on the 14th, Snapchat accused the third party service for risking Snapchat users.Snapchat states in this post, "building an ecosystem for an open and reliable third -party app requires time and a lot of resources.""This is why we are not providing public APIs to developers and prohibits access to private APIs used to provide their own services."

Snapchat、サードパーティーアプリの危険性を警告--画像流出問題で - CNET Japan

 Snapchat states that this issue is responsible for the third -party services for Snapchat by third -party, and that using such services may have many risks, but since this hacking damage has come to light.This is the second time that Snapchat claims.Snapchat is "Damage due to the use of Snapchat services with a third party backed up without the sender's consent, in response to the US CNET in a statement on the 10th, while the user, in many cases, is backed up with photos and videos posted on Snapchat without the agreement of the sender.I met. "

 Snapchat told CNET that the use of the service API by third party "is clearly prohibited in the Terms of Use," because the use of the service API of the service is "clearly in terms of the terms of use."

This article edited an article from overseas CBS Interactive by Asahi Interactive for Japan.