The frame gadget "Slow Dance", which makes you feel the flow of time slowly, has become a hot topic.[Image] Healing -based frame -type gadget full -scale artist and engineer Jeff Riverman can make it look like a slow motion by attaching flowers, feathers, leaves, etc. into the frame.It is an item.The electromagnet built inside the frame and the LED light that blinks the light at a precisely calculated speed causes sight illusions, making the object moving in slow motion.By moving slowly for any object, you can feel the flow of time more slowly.The simple and natural design of the wood -like, which is easy to fit into any interior, is impressive on the official website, "Slow Dance" combines technology, science and art, and surrounding us.It reminds me of mystery. "This product was originally produced by Leberman as a gift for a friend, but in response to many people, it seems that commercialization has been realized because the project was launched at the crowdfunding site then, it has attracted enough attention to being featured in media such as "WIRED" and "Techniccrunch".It may be a good idea to incorporate "SLOW DANCE", especially for a busy teacher in the year. https: // www.yankodesign.COM/2021/12/04/THE-ICONIC-PICTURE-FRAME-THAT-TOWN-TIME-IS-ON-17-HOLIDAY-DISCOUNT/HTTPS: // Wondermachines.Com/Products/Slow-Dancehttps: // www.YouTube.Com/Watch? v = 9piHzpqcgce