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Moppan (gluttony) YouTuber's / Kanockster updated the video on February 9th.It was revealed that the channel will be suspended indefinitely.[Photo] The unique tension shown in the gluttony video of the Kanockster has decided to suspend the activity has gained popularity, and the number of subscribers (as of July 6) is a YouTuber / Kano / no / no.Kanockster.He is currently in charge of videos related to videos such as planning, shooting, and editing alone, and the balance between his quality and schedule management has been lost, and he has been tired since the end of the year.He revealed that he is the most difficult state in his life, and he feels like he's spoiled, and he feels like a bad thing.As an episode that led to a decision to suspend activity in myself, I fell asleep for almost two hours in front of the camera when shooting the thumbnail of YouTube video, and just a video file was completed.He said he decided to suspend his activity because he wanted to reset everything.During the suspension period, he will try to recover anyway, and after he can think firmly, he will resume shooting.He revealed that other SNS will continue to operate."I will take a break and power up and come back, so please wait," he concluded the video.
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