If you become severe, your memory is lost ... A response to comics depicting the actual experience of "orthostatic adjustment disorder"

Is one in 10 teens onset?

"I can't get up in the morning," "I'm so sick that I can't move and I'm late."The experience of Moto Chikage is depicted.[Video] If you become more severe, your memory loss is also a "orthostatic disorder". The moon experienced is a disease called "orthostatic adjustment disorder", where one in 10 of her teenagers develops.。What are the symptoms of this disease?Yasushi Fujii, a clinical psychologist who is a news program "Abema Hills" commentator, who is actually a patient's medical treatment.

Yasushi Fujii

重症化すると記憶喪失も…「Orthostatic adjustment disorder」の実体験を描いた漫画に反響

"It is a disease in which the autonomic nervous system is poor when standing or when I get up, and blood flow to the body and brain decreases. Especially in the morning, I have a strong symptom and 3 to 4 of my children's school refusal. It is said that this disease is involved. " In addition, symptoms vary depending on nausea, headache, reduced thinking, tiredness, and fainting. The omen appeared in Tsukimoto was in the sixth grade of elementary school. Until then, she had spent a normal time, but sometimes, the content of the class suddenly stopped hearing, and when it was terrible, I lost my memory. Eventually, Tsukimoto can't keep up with her class. In addition, other words do not come out, and those who are familiar are getting worse, and the symptoms eat Tsukimoto's life day by day. She was "something weird" and "What happened," she felt unusual. But she didn't know what was going on, and she had passed without consulting anyone.

Orthostatic adjustment disorder

 起き上がったときに動悸がするなど、中学生になるとその症状は、さらにひどくなっていく。それなのに病気なのか分からない。もどかしい日々を送っていた中で、たどり着いたのがこのOrthostatic adjustment disorderだった。 専門医も少ない中、母親の支えもあり、月本さんは検査を受けることができた。結果は重度のOrthostatic adjustment disorderと知らされた。「ただ名前を知っただけそれだけでこんなに安心するものなのか」 薬を処方されて、少しずつ体が楽になっていったという月本さん。その後も、症状が続いていく中で、漫画では、小学生の頃に好きだった「漫画を描くこと」を仕事にしようと奮闘する姿も描かれている。