Akicheng Gengichi's "mahogany camera" 40th: PENTAX QMui S1-digital camera Watch brought back from Osaka

Probably because of the usual bad behavior, the photo exhibition "recording" held in the double image square in Osaka from January 27 was suspended on January 31 in the middle of the session. What is hateful is not Zmilton, but O'Milton stock, not anyone's fault. There will be another chance in the future. Please don't answer the phone. Just a moment, please.

By the way, many photo exhibitions are held by the author in the gallery. I think the main purpose is to explain the works and entertain the guests, but this is also very strange.

I was also in the first half of the photo exhibition at the retro Imaging Square in Osaka. Fortunately, many guests come to visit, but occasionally guests are suddenly interrupted.

In this case, because there is nothing to do, so only in the place, fiddling with the PENTX camera on display, trying to change the lens of the new PENTX, playing with Ricoh GR IIIx's conversion lens, suddenly a camera stays in the eyes of the author.

01 STANDARD PRIMEを装着したPENTAX Q-S1。シンプルなデザインです。コンデジ的な雰囲気があるのは仕方ないかなあ。ポップアップ式ストロボの上部は、収納時にボディ上面とツライチになります。美しいですね。ビルトインな感じがシビれます。

It seems common to come home in pet stores and cute dogs and cats, but as readers are familiar with, the same is true in second-hand camera stores.

If this is the case, as long as it is not close to this dangerous store, recently, the author also tried not to go to this kind of store, in order to maintain inner peace and family peace. Yes, during this period, Matsuya in Ginza is considered to be the most mountainous area in Japan, so good boy please don't come near.

Then again, I didn't expect to encounter this at the camera manufacturer's gallery showing the new camera. I remember this camera is already Discom, right? What a surprise.

If you take a closer look, there is the word "OUTLETS" in the window displayed by the camera. Although it is OUTLETS, it is not an unsold style pendant or GR towels. It's a real camera. And it's quite small.

Yes, I always pull the words over in vain, but I'm tired. Let's not. The camera that met is PENTAX Q-S1. The glowing part of the built-in flash pops up pointlessly and puts it in the window, which is simply "Please." Please take me with you. "I look like I'm raising my hand.

Because he is an emotional author, so this is a very good scene. And recently, with the increase of age, tears become fragile. That kind of thing doesn't matter.

As a conclusion, the author decided to take Mr. Q-S1 back to Tokyo. There's nothing I can do because my eyes are right. It should be said that it is because the price prompted on OUTLETS is very cost-effective. It's embarrassing, if you do that. You can't ignore it.

今回購入したPENTAX Q-S1とレンズたちですね。これらレンズ3本をボディと持ち歩いても、携行していることを忘れるくらいコンパクトです。くれぐれも紛失に気をつけねばなりません。

The reason for the PENTAX Q series, which can not be seen at all when in active service, is that there are fewer opportunities to use it because there are not many entrustment for reviews. However, after the investigation, it was found that this was not the case. The author commented on the Japanese camera, which was closed down by the first generation of PENTAX Q. What I read just now will praise you, compare (laugh). It didn't feel like it was aimed at the old man's camera, and the interest didn't seem to last.

Judging from the images taken at this time, the high picture quality is very high. Because it's Keeley's model, I'm sorry I can't show it to you here. Does the Q series actually want to target young women? However, although this seems difficult to deal with, there is no law that the old man cannot use it, because it is a camera for young women.


However, the author also believes that although I like small cameras, it is impossible for me to seriously use lens-switched cameras with the same small sensors as Condeji, so I won't care after that review.

That's what it's like to hate eating. Mr. PENTAX Q-S1, who came to my house, has been with the author for the last two weeks, but he knows that he will do a pretty good job, so he would like to report to you again this time.

In retrospect, the PENTAX Q series are all lens swapping. Are they small mirrorless planes now?

Q1 (2011) and Q10 (2012) are equipped with 1 / 2.3 CMOS sensors, and Q7 (2013) and the Q-S1 (2014) are equipped with 1 / 1.7 CMOS sensors. They are all valid 12.4 million pixels.


PENTAX Q is the smallest and lightest "PENTAX Q" in the world

  • Journalism

    PENTAX Q10, which improves resolution and AF performance

  • Journalism

    PENTAX Q7 is equipped with advanced models of 1 / 1.7 sensors.

    The same size as Q10. There are also seven shots and a "completion kit" with a special package.

  • Journalism

    Classic camera style mirrorless aircraft "PENTAX Q-S1"

    There is also a service to select colors from 36 modes

  • In addition to getting bigger from Q7, the use of the new image processing engine "Q ENGINE" also greatly improved the response, according to reports at the time. By the way, in terms of specifications, Q7 and Q-S1 are almost the same. I don't know that either. The author in private life is not only the pursuit of resolution and quality of the definition of the type, so if there is no problem to carry out neutral ordinary photos, it will basically be satisfied.


    There is little contact in the comments, which is one of the reasons for the lack of interest, but another reason that comes to mind is not the picture quality, and the focal length of the change lens prepared according to the sensor size may also be too short.


    赤城耕一の「アカギカメラ」 第40回:大阪から連れ帰ったPENTAX Q-S1 - デジカメ Watch

    Five interchangeable lenses for five five lenses, Q installation

    ~ "fisheye", "toy camera wind" lens, etc.

    I think that in this focal area, even if the lens is changed, the photos will almost always be in full focus, which is not very different from the smartphone camera. The "BC" mode is built into the camera. Does it feel like a foul technique to create blur through digital processing in the camera? Maybe it would be nice to think about it now, but I don't care much about it.

    The author bought three lenses. The single-focus 8.5 mm F1.9 lens is a standard lens, called "01STANDARD PRIME", with an viewing angle equivalent to 35 mm to 39 mm. And "02STANDARD ZOOM". This is the actual focal length of 5-15 mm F2.8-4.5, which is equivalent to 35 mm to 23-69 mm. The other is the "06TELEPHOTO ZOOM" lens with an actual focal length of 15-45 mm F2.8, which translates to 35 mm, equivalent to 69-207 mm. Oh, "01STANDARD PRIME" is not close to the equivalent of 40mm popular perspective!

    01 STANDARD PRIMEは35mm判換算画角が40mmくらいですから、ライカスクリューマウント用のsmc PENTAX-L 43mmF1.9 Specialの専用外部ファインダーをつけてみました。前にGR IIIxにつけていたものですが、先日GR IIIxには専用のファインダーを買いましたので、こちらをあてがうことにしました。

    The 01 or 02 of this lens number seems to be the same idea as the back number, but is it difficult for people who use a 35 mm full-size or APS-C camera to be familiar with it? As mentioned earlier, the size of the sensor varies depending on the model, and the viewing angle of each lens change, so there is no way to emphasize the conversion angle of 35 mm. In another opinion, the author thinks that it is better to distinguish the use of the lens considering the actual focal length.

    The PENTAX Q series actually seems to be treated by Discom, and as a review image that you want to focus on DSLR attacks in the future, you may not want to be dug into this topic right now. But Q-S1, which really started to be used, is also a personality model that "nothing" can't do in history.

    First of all, because it is small and lightweight, it can be taken anywhere. You can also put it in the inner pocket of a small bag or jacket. Because it is cartoon, it can also show a sense of existence in the pocket. But be careful of losing it.

    And although the lens can be changed, it won't be troublesome to wear "02STANDARD ZOOM" first, but there is also a "01STANDARD PRIME" hand that can show manhood. The viewing angle is about 40 mm at an angle of 35 mm, but because the actual focal length is short, the depth of field is much deeper than GR IIIx.

    01 STANDARD PRIMEを使って撮影していますね。絞り設定はF3.2で安定の高画質と自然なボケ味です。木の肌の描写なんかゾクゾクしますぜ。このレンズ、フジツボ型の専用フードがあるそうなので、これから探索せねばなりません。Q-S1 01 STANDARD PRIME(F3.2・1/1,600秒)ISO 200路地を歩いていると、窓ガラスの中にもこうしたドラマを見つけることがあります。ポケットからカメラ引っ張り出してサクっと撮影しました。画角的には肉眼で見つめている感じです。Q-S1 01 STANDARD PRIME(F5.6・1/1,250秒)ISO 400工具箱。01 STANDARD PRIMEは実焦点距離が8.5mmと短いとはいえ、大口径レンズですし、絞りを開いて近づいて撮影すればそれなりに背景はボケてくれます。二線ボケもなく優れた描写です。Q-S1 01 STANDARD PRIME(F2.0・1/25秒)ISO 400

    Photography was carried out easily. I even forgot to walk with my camera. However, the production and completion of the camera is not bad, so I am very happy. Photo buddies can also perform in taverns. The three lenses I bought are small, but they are metal brackets. Which manufacturer would I like to show you? I want to shake hands with the person who decided this.

    I repeat, because it is a camera system with deep scene, exposure is automatically selected, AE,AF is automatically selected, do not care much about the focus position and accuracy, etc., and the image confirmation after shooting will not be taken continuously. When you want to make such a picture, in order not to make the background noisy, you will more or less take into account the appearance around and behind the subject, but this is not a very difficult expression to make a serious photo camera. It's better to change the angle bit by bit and take pictures all the time.

    パンフォーカスを得やすい特性があるわけですから、これを生かした撮影を考えてみました。02 STANDARD ZOOMの焦点域だと絞りの特性を考えなくてもほとんど奥までピントが合います。Q-S1 02 STANDARD ZOOM(F7.1・1/2,000秒)ISO 400目についたものをパッと撮影するといっても、こうした被写体で線が曲がったりすると嫌なので、マジメな筆者はカメラを真っ直ぐに構えることに腐心するわけです。でもカメラがこれにきちんと応えてくれるわけです。水準器も内蔵しています。Q-S1 02 STANDARD ZOOM(F5.6・1/1,000秒)ISO 400

    Action is already a place where you want to have a little bit of alertness, but it also makes people feel like using the photographer's body to cooperate. Maybe it's because the camera looks so cute. It's a good deal. Since it has been around for eight years, let's not go into details.

    Interestingly, in a lens with a lens shutter, the built-in flash can be easily synchronized during the day. I feel the possibility of something new.

    逆光条件ですが、日中シンクロしてみました、調光の精度はまずまずなんで、少し露出補正して、余裕を持たせました。配光の特性は良好です。とてもいいですね。Q-S1 02 STANDARD ZOOM(F4.0・1/320秒)ISO 200

    Compared with the clarity, the unease in the picture quality caused by the small sensor has an unnatural part in the gray correlation, and the noise in the field of high sensitivity does not feel a big problem in the author's method of use. It is not the author's interest to Alexore the picture quality in extreme settings. "Today's shooting conditions are a little difficult, so don't get into a serious situation," predict other cameras with APS-C and 35 mm full-size sensors. The author is also a professional photographer, so I have such wisdom.

    And the author now generally uses film cameras, so even if they carry Q-S1 together, they won't feel the pressure. This is good. In the gap between shooting and moving, it seems that people can pick up some impression of the camera, surprisingly less, not as long as it is small. When it comes to carrying a camera with you, it doesn't seem like a hassle, it's always together, it shows a full sense of presence in an emergency, and Q-S1, which can make photos that are different from smartphones, exists in a good way. So far, this is the role of smartphones, so even if there is no problem in practical application, it will not be relieved.

    小さいセンサー、イコール階調の繋がりが悪いのではという先入観がありましたので、明暗差の大きな条件で撮影してみました。問題ないですね。色彩に乏しい被写体なのでモノクロに変換してみたのですが、シャドーのディテールも良いですね。Q-S1 02 STANDARD ZOOM(F4.5・1/1,000秒)ISO 400かしわ南蛮そばですね。適度な被写界深度の深さがあり、こうした料理写真は撮りやすいです。ふだんはこういう写真はiPhoneで撮影してしまうのですが、やはり違いは感じます。10mm相当にセットして撮影しています。Q-S1 02 STANDARD ZOOM(F3.5・1/100秒)ISO 800

    For the Q series, it would be nice to have longer eyes to show you. You'll still be scolded. Don't talk about it. Although there is nothing I want to say in terms of operation, it is OK as long as it can be used. If the camera is required to be versatile, there is no reason to buy a camera. It's too boring. Before CP+2022, it was not good to introduce such a camera. After all, the reimagined Pentagon brand will also be announced as a "SLR" in the future. Ah, it's not sarcastic, just in case.


    Mr. Q-S1, who came to my house, had been rolling in his pocket, so he wiped the keys and coins of the house for a short time, resulting in a lot of injuries. Have another one. I remember that there are still two Q-S1 Karabari in the sales area of the review imaging square in Osaka. I'm afraid it's my delusion. Forget it (laugh).

    安定の描写というか、安定のパンフォーカスというか。シャープネスも十分だし、Exifをチェックしないと何で撮ったかわからないんじゃないかなあ。Q-S1 02 STANDARD ZOOM(F5.0・1/1,000秒)ISO 40006 TELEPHOTO ZOOMの描写です。悪くはありませんが、この条件では合焦した線が少し太いという印象で、像の厚みを感じます。これは欠点ではないですよ。歪曲の補正もバッチリです。Q-S1 06 TELEPHOTO ZOOM(F6.3・1/1,600秒)ISO 200筆者が好きな配管ですね。エッジのシャープな被写体ではないので、さほど鋭さを感じることはないのですが、F8程度でかなり深度を稼げます。不用意に絞り込むと回折で逆にシャープネスが低下することもあります。Q-S1 06 TELEPHOTO ZOOM(F8.0・1/1,250秒)ISO 200今回の冬はちゃんと冬をしているという印象ですが、それでも梅は咲きました。実焦点距離45mmで絞りがF4ですから、合焦点とそれ以外の部分は見分けがつきますが、ボケを考えるにはちょっと中途半端でした。Q-S1 06 TELEPHOTO ZOOM(F4.0・1/800秒)ISO 100