"How do you confront GAFA?" Temples answers from seven perspectives

The question is that when the idea is independent and commercialized, the question is, "How do you fight if GAFA attacks?"This is especially true if the track record is accumulated.However, even if GAFA actually develops similar products, it is not clear whether the user will be left immediately or whether the market share will be taken away immediately.

Still, why are these questions persistent?The answer is "to find out how far the entrepreneur is thinking".

So what are the answers to the question "How do you confront GAFA?"Here, I would like to share some perspectives based on blog posting by Brendan Baker, a well -known VC, a partner of GREYLOCK.

In my case, there are some parts that are explained by the market because it is assumed to expand the AR market.Therefore, please consider the explanation of the specific part with the reader's market.

7 viewpoints


2.ハードウェア展開:ハードウェア開発および販売に強いのか、サービスで稼いでいるのか、もしくは両方なのかは重要な点です。IoTやロボット、AR企業にとってはなおさらです。たとえば忘れ物発見タグ「Tile」の模倣品をAppleが近々リリースされるともっぱら噂です。模倣品の生産だけでなく、iPhoneユーザーネットワークとの連携をされたらひとたまりもありません。このようにハード + ネットワーク効果のような連携サービスの形を取られるのがスタートアップにとっては最大の脅威となります(Tileの真の敵はiPhoneネットワークのフル活用)。






Unravel Google

Then, based on these perspectives, I would like to analyze major companies based on the AR market I am challenging.First of all, from Google (5-7 is general theory, so I omit it).

1.得意収益軸:年次報告書の「Revenue」パートを見ると、Google広告が収益の8割強を占めていることがわかります。YouTube広告もそこそこの収益シェアを占めています。ただ、広告が主軸であることから、YouTube Premiereのようなサブスク事業が大きく立ち上がっている見通しが未だありません。

「GAFAにどう立ち向かうのか?」 7 viewpointsで考えるテンプ回答

Once again, Google is an advertising company, not a sub -skirt company.If the startup pokes, you may be able to explain that it is a product that can aim for rapid growth by expanding the subscriber in Google's business area.

2.Hardware deployment and 3. 失敗したサービス一覧:次にGoogleが失敗してきた製品を適当な記事で確認してみましょう。(こちらの記事より抜粋)

Google Wave、Orkut、Google+、Google Hangouts on Air、Google Answers、Google Catalog Search、Dodgeball、Google Notebook、Google Page Creator、Google Video、Google Glass、Daydream etc…

4.自社領域の特性と時勢:現在、Googleのハードウェア製品と言ったらPixelシリーズが有名でしょう。かつてはGoogle GlassやDaydreamのようなグラス端末やヘッドセットを開発してXR市場へ参入をしてきましたが上手く立ち上がっていません。そのため、同社は「モバイルAR戦略」へと大きく舵を切っています。

Combining "advertising companies" and "pixel", it seems that there is a feeling that the AR advertising strategy will be used for the time being for the time being.Conversely, it may be said that there are areas other than Mobile AR ads that can fight startups.

Unravel Facebook

Next is Facebook.


2.ハードウェア展開:さて、ハードウェアではVR領域(Oculusシリーズ)で秀でています。2017年の開発者会議「F8」でARプラットフォームを構築していると発表したことや、Mark Zuckerberg氏のブログ投稿で2020年代に画期的なARグラスをリリースすると宣言したことから、Oculusシリーズと同様の展開を見せそうです。ハードウェア(ARグラス)と広告を組み合わせた戦略を仕掛けてくるかもしれません。

3. 失敗したサービス一覧:次にFacebookの失敗プロダクトをこちらの記事を参考に見ていきましょう。

Notify, Facebook Home, Facebook Deals, Facebook Gifts, Facebook Offers, Facebook Credits, AutoFill with Facebook, Facebook Inbox, Facebook FBML etc ...

In general, we have made many mistakes in creating a copy cat to develop a trend service.After all, it is the impression that it will be buried as a derivative service of Facebook.However, it has the wisdom of imitating Snapchat's story with all my might, and this function showed great success.

On the other hand, it is very good to set up the following media and message services.The connoisseurs that have acquired WhatsApp and Instagram are very high.If you pour your capital as an independent app from Facebook, you will be rapid growth.

4.自社領域の特性と時勢:まとめるとSNS・メッセージ・画像/動画系の2Cサービスでは勝ち目がありませんが、フィンテックや小売系サービスのような派生サービスの立ち上がりは続けて失敗しており、スタートアップの参入余地となります。結局サービス成功までやり抜くことはなく、自社サービスのプロテクションに走るのは7 viewpointsで話した内容に合致します。

The biggest weakness is "regulation".Market rebound is intense due to the outflow of user data.Youth users are also serious.I think these two points are also appropriate as a startup business area.Even though it is the same SNS area, you should be able to persuade the stakeholder if you pull the past failure cases (editor -in note: For a summary, please read the original statement about the considerations of Amazon and Apple).。

To be honest, even if the investors are more likely to fight Gafa more than necessary, they will eventually fall into a scene where they cannot say, "I don't know the future."If you are thoroughly beaten, it is best to think that your thoughts were shallow and bring back your reflection, or feel that you are just a mess.

Finally, we did not introduce this time, but we recommend that you build a stronger defense by referring to the following article to assemble the logic using strategic terms.

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