Since the Xperia Pro-I news articles have already been introduced, here are some easy to introduce the specifications and appearance of Xperia Pro-I.
The Xperia Pro-I has a significant change in the back camera as introduced later, but for other parts, it is almost the same as the Xperia 1 III SIM-free model, which is a flagship model of the Xperia series.。
Xperia PRO-I正面The main specifications of Xperia Pro-I are as summarized in Table 1, and most are equivalent to the Xperia 1 III SIM-free model.SOC is Snapdragon 888 5G, RAM is 12GB, and built -in storage is 512GB.5G communication is supported only for Sub 6, but it supports DSDS/DSDV with nano SIM x 2 dual SIM.The specifications of the display, the built -in battery capacity, and the IP65/68 -compliant waterproof and dustproof specifications are the same as the Xperia 1 III SIM free model.It also supports Osaifu -Keitai.
SoC | Snaodragon 888 5G |
メモリ | 12GB |
内蔵ストレージ | 512GB |
外部ストレージ | microSD |
OS | Android 11 |
ディスプレイ | 6.5型有機EL、4K(1,640×3,840ドット)、アスペクト比21:9HDR、リフレッシュレート最大120Hz |
背面カメラ | 超広角:16mm/F2.2、1/2.5型1,220万画素広角:24mm/F2.0,F4.0 ZEISS Tessar、光学手ブレ補正、1.0型1,220万画素、標準:50mm/F2.4、光学手ブレ補正、1/2.9型1,220万画素3D iToF |
前面カメラ | 800万画素 |
5Gネットワーク | Sub-6 |
対応バンド | 5G:n3/n28/n77/n78/n794G:1/3/4/5/7/8/12/13/17/18/19/21/26/28/38/39/40/41/423G:1/5/6/8/19GSM:850MHz/900MHz/1.8GHz/1.9GHz |
対応SIM | nano SIM×2(うち1つはmicroSDと排他) |
オーディオ | フロントステレオスピーカー「フルステージステレオスピーカー」、3.5mmオーディオジャックDolby Atmos対応、ハイレゾ音源/DSEE Ultimate対応/360 Reality Audioスピーカー再生/360 Spatial Sound |
防水・防塵 | IP6/8、IP6X |
生体認証機能 | 電源ボタン一体型指紋センサー |
おサイフケータイ | 対応 |
ワイヤレス充電 | 非対応 |
外部ポート | USB Type-C、3.5mmオーディオジャック |
バッテリ容量 | 4,500mAh |
サイズ(幅×奥行き×高さ) | 72×166×8.9mm |
重量 | 211g |
However, Xperia Pro-I omit the wireless charging function.It seems that this was not installed due to the change in the specifications of the back camera.
The physical button is integrated on the right side.From the top, the volume button, fingerprint authentication sensor integrated power button, shortcut key, and shutter button are lined up.Of these, the shortcut key is a button to launch any app specified by the user.In the standard, the video shooting application "VideoGraphy Pro" to be introduced later is assigned, and other optional applications can be specified.
背面ディスプレイはXperia 1 IIIと同じ仕様の4K有機ELディスプレイを採用下部側面左側面左側面のSIMカードトレイには、表裏にnano SIMを1枚ずつ、2枚装着でき、SIM2側はmicroSDカードとの排他利用となるSIMカードトレイ裏面側にもnano SIMを装着でき、DSDS/DSDVをサポート上部側面右側面右側面上部にはボリュームボタンと指紋認証センサー一体型電源ボタンを配置右側面下部には、ショートカットキーとシャッターボタンを配置ショートカットキーには任意のアプリを割り当てられるThe specifications are almost the same as the Xperia 1 III SIM free model, and the use of metal frames on the side and glass on the back has not changed, but the appearance design has been greatly changed.
In particular, the design on the side is particularly different, while Xperia 1 III has almost flat side, while Xperia Pro-I has a fine groove and has a design like a waveform.This is a matter of considering the body firmly.Naturally, the back camera specification has changed significantly, and the camera mounted position has been changed to the center of the main unit, so the impression on the back has changed dramatically.
This is a personal impression, but the Xperia Pro-I has a stronger impression, especially due to the side design change.Considering the target layer of the Xperia Pro series, I feel that this design matches.
The color is only frost black.The metal frame on the side and the back glass are frosted with a frost of the glass -like style that suppresses glossy, which should also be a factor that enhances the solid feeling.
The fact that a strap hole is prepared on the left side is also a feature that Xperia 1 III is not available.In recent years, there is almost no strap hole on the main unit, and if you want to use a strap, you have to use a case with a strap hole.However, Xperia Pro-I can be used with a strap on the main unit, so it has a very secure feeling.In addition, by using a neck strap, etc., the body can be held firmly, which leads to more stable shooting.
The size is 72 x 166 x 8.9mm (width x depth x height).Since the size of Xperia 1 III is 71 x 165 x 8.2mm (same), the Xperia Pro-I is slightly larger.Although it is not enough to feel the difference even if you actually have both sides, you can clearly see the difference by arranging it sideways.However, it is not so big that you feel unfortunately, so you shouldn't be so worried.
On the other hand, the weight is about 211g and 200g.It is an increase of about 25g from Xperia 1 III, and it feels quite heavy even if you actually get it.The weight increase is due to the size of the camera and the size of the housing, but I think that if possible, I wanted to keep it down at less than 200g.The weight of the actual measurement was 210.2g (when SIM was not installed).
カラーはつや消し調のフロストブラックで、側面にメタルフレーム、背面にガラスを採用している点はXperia 1 IIIと同じだが、側面に溝を掘った波形のデザインを採用しており、重厚なイメージだ右側面下部にストラップホールを用意本体にストラップを装着できるため、安心感があるのはもちろん、ネックストラップを利用すれば撮影時のブレ防止にもなるXperia 1 III(左)と並べると、Xperia PRO-I(右)のほうがやや大きいことがわかる重量は公称211g、実測では210.2gだった。手にするとずっしり重く感じる