0コメント0件I tried to use the smart glass "EyeRevo" with a conscience of cost performance and operation [today's life hacker tool]
たしかにワイヤレスイヤホンは生活を快適にしてくれていますが、それでも弱点がないわけではありません。I tried to use the smart glass "EyeRevo" with a conscience of cost performance and operation [today's life hacker tool]常時着けっぱなしだと、耳が疲れてしまうことがありますし、耳に直説音を流し込むのが苦手な方もいるんじゃないでしょうか。イヤホン代替の選択肢として浮上するのがスマートグラスかと思いますが、どうしても、重い、ぎこちない、高価…といったイメージが先行して導入に消極的になりがち。でも、昨今のスマートグラスは想像以上に使いやすくなっています。軽くて、操作がシンプル、価格帯もお手頃な『EyeRevo』が登場。今回プロダクトをお借りすることが叶いましたため、さっそく使い勝手をチェックしてみました!EyeRevo アイレボ スマートグラス 眼鏡 オーディオグラス 耳を塞がないイヤホン ワイヤレス マイク付き Bluetooth リモートワーク グッズ 送料無料 10,880Amazonで見る12,800楽天で見る
When you pick up the product, the first thing that will be hit is its lightweight. The weight is only 25g (only the weight of the frame), which is not inferior to the ordinary glasses frame. The temple, which can hold audio and batteries, is also slim and more refreshing than the glasses I usually use (right photo). Such features should be related to the installation experience without a sense of discord.
Then again, EyeRevo, even a "smart glass", does not have the ability to participate in Metaerse, see navigation and other functions. Connecting a computer to a smartphone to listen to sounds and calls is the entire function of this smart glass. In fact, the simplicity of these features makes EyeRevo easy to use. The first Bluetooth connection to the device does not require an application, and you can easily set up your computer (mobile phone). Magnet cable for charging. After removal, the power is turned on and automatically connected to the paired device, so sound can be heard without operating the smart glass. Because multiple points are not supported, you need to reconnect when you are active on multiple devices, but it is not that difficult to move back and forth between mobile phones and laptops.
次ページは:シンプルな操作性1Pac 3 pages