How much is the battery level of the smartphone battery?Some may say, "If you don't always have around 90 %, you are anxious on the go."There will be a variety of people, but I guess the iPhone users have this experience."What? Even 1 % will last surprisingly long."Surprising Karakuri was revealed about the mechanism.
The remaining battery was not exactly the exact number!?
どうしてiPhoneは「バッテリー残量1%」でも長持ちするの...の画像はこちら >>(Image:Primakov /
Many people seem to be worried with about 20 % remaining.
Since the smartphone battery is a consumable item, the speed of remaining amount will increase as you use it and the number of years of use.It was 80 % until an hour ago, but it was 50 % without doing anything.However, sometimes the iPhone can endure for a long time without the power drops immediately with a remaining amount of 1 %.Some people may be impressed with "I saw the battery power!" "I'm doing my best, my iPhone ...", but it's actually not 1 % remaining.What exactly is it?
According to the popular YouTube channel "Apple Explained", which has more than 1.11 million subscribers, the battery level of the iPhone is "estimated", which is not accurate numbers.The algorithms are determined how much battery remaining in the iPhone and display them as numbers.Therefore, the number of 1 % is not certain, but an estimated value.If this estimate is a wrong number calculated with less battery levels, he feels that it lasts a long time.
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