Lightning connection earphone "Rayz Plus" purchase ♪
I use iPhone 7 Plus as a regular smartphone, but the inconvenience with Nanika is that there is no earphone insert or earphone jack.If you use the included adapter, general wired earphones will be connected, but it is still a little inconvenient.So, I was thinking of buying an earphone with a Lightning connection that can be used without an adapter, but it doesn't mean that there is a very strong need, and it will be extended.
I found a Lightning connection earphone that looks a little good.This is a pioneer's "RAYZ" series (official page).A product that is a Lightning connection and has a noise canceling function, and can make various settings from the app.( * News article, presentation report)
Because it is a Lightning connection, it is an iPhone/iPad dedicated earphone equipped with a Lightning connector, but I purchased it without hesitation because it is using many iOS devices with Lightning connectors.I bought "Rayz Plus".
パイオニアの「RAYZ(レイズ)」シリーズ。Lightning接続のイヤホンでノイズキャンセリング機能を搭載し、アプリからの機能設定などに対応しています。「RAYZ」と「RAYZ Plus」の2モデルがあり、「RAYZ Plus」は使用中にiOS端末への充電も可能(充電用Lightningポート搭載)です。「RAYZ」が1万5000円くらい、「RAYZ Plus」が1万9000円くらいで販売されているようです。カラーバリエーションは、「RAYZ」(写真左)がアイスとオニキス、「RAYZ Plus」(写真右)がブラック、ブロンズ、グラファイト、ローズゴールドです。「RAYZ Plus」はLightningコネクタ近くにiOS端末充電用のコネクターがあります。
Since this "RAYZ" series and power supply from iOS terminals are functioned, it is a general earphone size with noise canceling mechanism.The black and rose gold of "Rayz Plus" color variations are sold exclusively for Apple Store.
After all, I would like to write about the feeling of use of "Rayz Plus" purchased.The combined iOS device is iPhone 7 Plus.