JBL Live Pro+ TWS Review: Anyway, I fell in love with the sound.

"Is 2021 a year of audio?"

A certain gis mode editorial staff said this way while chatting, but recently each company has shown a new movement.New headphones and earphones have been released one after another, so they can't keep up with information.

Meanwhile, the editorial department told me, "Why don't you try it?"Thankfully, if I used it for about a month, it has become a gadget that is indispensable for my life.

This is for me!There are some reasons I thought, but the sound quality is dramatic anyway.In addition, the noise canceling function was excellent, and it was practical that the noise level could be adjusted step by step according to the TPO.The ultimate fit is a fit that does not feel stressed at all.

While working, while traveling by train, running a vacuum cleaner.For me who wants to keep listening to music in every scene, LIVE PRO+ TWS, which gives me a compact but punchy sound, was the best compatibility.

JBL Live Pro+ TWS

What is this?: Bluetooth connection hybrid noise canceling complete wireless earphone

Price: 17,800 yen (tax included)

Favorite place: Light.compact.A round form.The sound is heavy, but the sound is long and you can carry it anywhere with a long battery.The playback time of the earphone itself is about 6 hours when ANC is turned on, and about 8 hours when ANC off.

[Official limited] JBL wireless earphone LIVE PRO+ TWS | Complete wireless earphone noise canceling earphone Bluetooth Bluetooth earphone Comfortable Fit Hands Free Telework Long time Wireless Rechargeable ear Small ears IPX4 Waterproof sweat

17,800 yen

Vivid sound as waking up

疲れが抜けきれない朝、けだるい午後。どんな時でも、JBL Live Pro+ TWSを装着してお気に入りの曲を再生するだけで、頭の中のもやが晴れて思考のピントが合う──そんな体験をしました。

Anyway, I fell in love with the sound.

JBL Live Pro+ TWSで聴くと、今まで馴染みのあった曲でも新鮮に聞こえるぐらい音の輪郭がシャープ。歌い手が息を吸い込む音がはっきりと聞こえ、臨場感があります。特に低音パンチが効いていて、ベースラインをなぞって聴くのが趣味なわたしにとってはご馳走でしかないベースつよつよイコライザ設定も最高でした。クリアでパワフルで脳内にグイグイ迫ってくるブースト感が、個人的にはものすごーーく心地よい!

音楽大好き人間なので、音響ガジェットはわりとたくさん持ち合わせているほうだと思うのですが、それぞれを聴き比べてみても最終的にはJBL Live Pro+ TWSサウンドを選んでしまう圧倒的な良さがありました。

JBL Live Pro+ Live has a driver size protruding instead of high -resolution or stereoscopic sound.This small skeleton is packed with 11mm dynamic drivers!It is a manufacturing that is impressed.

The sound is moist.There is no dryness of the electronic sound at all.When the volume is raised, the club sound with the bass sound resounds is played in the brain, and you can forget yourself and immerse yourself in music.

Powerful ANC erases the annoyance of the outside world

The high immersion was due to the high sound insulation.

JBL Live Pro+ TWS レビュー:Anyway, I fell in love with the sound.

The level of noise canceling can be adjusted in three steps according to the TPO, but as soon as you switch to the most powerful active noise canceling (ANC) mode, all background noise disappears instantly.Even if you are on a train, you can always hear the announcement of the conductor in the veil of quietness.

In the ANC mode, the sound of the surrounding cars and bicycles will not be heard because it is too powerful, so it is recommended to use the safer "ambient outral" mode during running.In addition, in the "talk -through" mode, you can usually talk with people around you while wearing it.

個人的には集中力を高めるためにほぼ100%ANCモードでしたけど。これまで使ってきた音響ガジェット(たとえばSHUREのワイヤレスイヤホン、ゼンハイザーのワイヤレスヘッドホン、初代AirPods)にはいずれもANCが搭載されていなかったので、JBL Live Pro+ TWSのANCがもたらす孤高の静寂には精神的な安定感すら覚えました。

Supreme fit

JBL Live Pro+ TWSの最大のこだわりはフィット感だと思うんですが、ここは期待を裏切らないです。

Five types of earpieces are brothers, and it is a mechanism that can pursue the best fit with the dedicated application "JBL My Headphones".The same M and L size are available in two types, shallow and deep type, and you can change the size with the right and left ears.

It is designed so that people with small ears, especially those who are called "concha" in the ears, are easy to fit.Once I got in my ears, I didn't do anything, no matter what I did.

比較対象として、たとえば初代AirPodsとは相性が良くなかったらしく、耳からポロッと落ちたことが幾度もあったのですが、JBL Live Pro+ TWSに関しては外れてしまう心許なさはまったくありませんでした。

"Always, anywhere, together"

「どこへでも持っていける」と書きましたが、実際筆者はこの1ヶ月間どこへ行くにもほぼ確実にJBL Live Pro+ TWSを携帯していました。その間、電池が切れてしまったことは一度もなく、残量が少なくなってもクイックチャージで問題回避できました。

Anyway, it lasts a long time, so it's OK to keep using it all the time.You can also check the battery level from the dedicated application.

あと、JBL Live Pro+ TWSはめちゃめちゃ軽いです。本体の重さは5gで、ケースは49.5G.Even if it is said in the numbers, it does not come in, but when I actually used it, it was almost zero wearing.It's too light, so I forgot to wear it and searched for one ear.

The case is a compactness that can be kept a little in the clothes pocket.If you were to carry around wherever you go, you could make the most of your smartphone, enjoying music and videos everywhere you went.

Conclusion: I switched from headphones to earphones

I was supposed to be a gorgeous headphone.

I especially liked the stability of over -ear headphones.The feeling that the whole ear was physically wrapped in was comfortable, and I really liked being able to appeal to the surroundings of "music watching".Even if you talk to you and you can't hear it, you'll know that you're not ignoring it.

However, after dating JBL Live Pro+TWS for a month, I rediscovered the charm of wireless earphones.AirPods didn't stick personally, but the latest wireless earphones are so amazing!I was purely exciting.

なぜか。それはJBL Live Pro+ TWSのメリハリのある音に慣れてしまったら、もっとお値段の張るワイヤレスヘッドホンの音でさえ遠くぼやけて聞こえるようになってしまったからです。ヘッドホンと比べて同じワイヤレスでここまで音がよかったら、断然イヤホンのほうが使いやすいじゃない?

イヤホンの性能を「音の世界をどれぐらいの解像度で表現できるか」という観点から評価してみると、JBL Live Pro+ TWSはきめ細かく、鮮やかです。わたしはこの音と一緒に過ごしたい。だから、個人的にはJBL Live Pro+ TWSが最適解でした。

I want to recommend it to such people

音楽の好みも、音の聞こえ方の好みも人それぞれ。ですから、イヤホンも100人いたら100の最適解があると思うんですが、下記いずれかに当てはまる人にはJBL Live Pro+ TWSをおすすめしたいです。

・ I like clear sound ・ Heavy bass fetish ・ I want a completely separated sound environment to concentrate. ・ The ears are small, and it is difficult to meet earphones that fit well.Exercise

[Official limited] JBL wireless earphone LIVE PRO+ TWS | Complete wireless earphone noise canceling earphone Bluetooth Bluetooth earphone Comfortable Fit Hands Free Telework Long time Wireless Rechargeable ear Small ears IPX4 Waterproof sweat

17,800 yen

Photos: Chitara Yamada Reference: JBL