Combine GN hearing advanced hearing aid technology and JABRA's earphone technology.Let's introduce the smart earphone "JABRA ENHANCE", which is equipped with three functions of listening, music and calling.
89,000 yen
GN Audio A/S company GN Audio Japan has announced a smart earphone with a hearing enhancement function, developed in collaboration with GN hearing Japan under the same GN, and has announced the smart earphone.
Jabra Enhanceは、GNグループの音と聴覚における長年の研究と開発技術に基づき、日常的な聞こえにくさをサポートする聴力強化機能付き完全ワイヤレスイヤホン。GNグループの技術を集結させ、Jabraのワイヤレスイヤホンが誇る高音質・高い通話品質と、GNヒアリングの専門知識・高度な聴覚向上技術による医療グレードの聴力強化技術をかけ合わせた。GNグループの調査によると、非常に多くの方が補聴器などを使う程ではないものの、日常生活の様々な環境や状況において聞こえにくさを感じている事がわかった。Jabra Enhanceはこのようなニーズに対応し、社交の場や会議、メディアや音楽を楽しむ様々なシーンにおける聞き取りにくさをサポート。また小型で目立たないスタイリッシュなデザインで、快適なフィット感を実現しているため、違和感なく日常的に着用することが可能だ。Jabra Enhance has four hearing -enhanced functions to clear and easy to hear sounds that are difficult to hear.A warp compression that realizes more natural sound quality by the audio processing that approaches the original human beings, an environment -linked noise reduction that provides comfortable listening and clear audio in various noise environments, suppresses howling and improves sound quality.There are four functions: an automatic digital feedback suppression, the sound heard from the front is selected with an ultra -oriented beam, and it is a bilateral beam forming that ensures the clearness of voices even in an environment where it is very difficult to distinguish.
A compact design was realized by minimizing and installing these functions on earphones.In addition, the powerful speaker, which is the feature of Jabra's earphones, is realized, and at the same time provides excellent sound quality music and calls, making everyday sound experience.
Jabra Enhance uses a compact and stylish design, so even if you wear it, it looks beautiful as a wireless earphone with no discomfort.Furthermore, the ultimate comfort and reliable fit can be realized, and it can be worn for a long time on a daily basis.
The initial settings are easily completed in a few minutes, and by linking with the dedicated application "Jabra Enhance App", you can customize it according to your hearing and needs, such as adjusting the kids and changing the listening mode.Switching the three listening modes (adaptive mode/focus mode/surround mode) to achieve a mere quake according to the situation.
Configuration / INO.