"Bungo and Alchemist" A "New and Bungo Human Disqualification" will be opened to you who understand the perfect writer for you!| Famitsu APP for smartphone game information

DMM Games has released the official website of the "New and Bungo Human Disqualification of Human Disqualification", which will be introduced to users and writer who are perfect when answering questions in the "Bungo and Alchemist" that are being distributed.

The following is a press release

DMM GAMES "Bungo and Alchemist" 5th Anniversary Campaign is being held!

Notice of "New and Bungo Human Disqualification"

『文豪とアルケミスト』あなたにピッタリな文豪が分かる“新・あなたと文豪の人間失格診断”がオープン! | スマホゲーム情報ならファミ通App

GK EXNOA (Headquarters: Minato -ku, Tokyo, CEO: Yusuke Muranaka, URL: https: // Games.DMM.DMM/), operated by COM/), has released "New and Bungo Human Disqualification" on the official website of the Women's Bulletin Simulation Game "Bungo and Alchemist" from November 2 (Tuesday).rice field.

The "New and Bungo Human Disqualification Diagnosis" has been released on the official website of "Bungo and Alchemist".

In this diagnosis, we will introduce the best literary and advice for you by answering three questions.The result can be shared on Twitter, so please try it!

・ New ・ Human disqualification of you and the writer https: // bungo.DMMgames.COM/diagnosis2/index.html

▼ Official site https: // bungo.DMMgames.COM/

▼ Official Twitter account https: // Twitter.COM/BunAl_PR

▼ Management Twitter account https: // Twitter.COM/BunAl_Staff

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