[Former Sakamoto Elementary School in Taito Ward] Held on the 26th and 27th / 27th Help Help / Working in the history of 1996 | Construction News Digital


Former Sakamoto Elementary School was completed in 1926 (Taisho 15), with a total of 4480 square meters in a three -story RC basement basement.After the Great Kanto Earthquake, it will be the early architecture of the reconstruction elementary school, which was all at once in Tokyo at the time.The expressionist design, such as the arch -type door, the staircase of the ceiling of the Ballot, and the pillars on the outer wall, is remarkable.The value has also been pointed out.

Even after the school was closed in 1996, it has been popular as a local community, such as town council events, festival secretariat, and children's soccer practice areas.In the meantime, the site was considered for universities, high -rise housing, and redevelopment on the site, but it was not settled, and in March last year, the Division was resolved in the Taito Ward Congress.The dismantling began in March this year, and after the demolition in October, the ward will provisionally develop as a plaza to create regional exchange and safety.

At the meeting that connects the memories of Iriya to the future, we are worried that the use of the site will not be decided and will begin to dismantle, so that the founders from before the foundation of the association will not lose their memories and the connection between the regions will not be diminished.We have proposed a new community to the stakeholders.The association was launched last November, and we considered holding a ridge ceremony as the start of community playback.After signing activities on the site and consultation with the ward, it was officially decided to hold a lower building using the school building.

The 26th and 27th will be the final event of the lower wing, but since the end of last year, the cleaning of participants is recruited as part of the ridge type, a message board that anyone can freely draw at the entrance of the school building, and dismantled it.He has continued to perform rescue, drone photography, and actual measurements.Many graduates and local residents, such as "I got from Kyushu!"The underwear ceremony is a trademark registration of the Porus Group (Chuo Green Development) in the housing business and the Patchworks of Lifestyle Design, and the two companies are working together at this event.

Both days are planned to have the last tour, Sakamoto Elementary School -related video screening, and light balloon pitching.On the last day of the last day, there is also a concert at the Sakamoto -machikai Music Club, and a farewell ceremony of Fukushima, a local Ho -syoji priest.

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