Procurated $ 30 million in the lead of Chinese agricultural drone startup EAVISION (extreme device), Singapore government -based Temasek and others | BRIDGE (Bridge) Technology & Startup Information

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He announced that he had procured $ 30 million in the series C round.

In this round, German BASF, US Continental Grain Company, Zhidao Capital, SongShan Capital (SongShan Capital), Yongxin Oriental (Eiju Campaign), China Fresh Fruit Retail Store (Hyakusen Garden)In addition to strategic investors such as, financial investors such as Suzhou ORIZA HOLDINGS are also participating.

EAVISION has developed a smart agricultural robot that automatically protects crops using computer vision (image analysis).The company's unmanned drone (UAV) combines visual recognition by AI and precise spraying, and farmers can protect agricultural products even in severe geographical environments.The company states that the new financing will strengthen R & D and accelerate global market expansion.The company's UAV is currently being deployed in China, Japan, South Korea and Africa.

中国の農業用ドローンスタートアップEAVision(極目機器人)、シンガポール政府系Temasekらのリードで3,000万米ドルを調達 | BRIDGE(ブリッジ)テクノロジー&スタートアップ情報

JosePH ZHOU, a manager of Bits X Bites, states:

According to a statement, mountainous agriculture accounts for more than 34 % of Chinese cultivated land.

According to EAVISION, sugarcane farms in southwestern China have improved their sugar content by 3 %, maintaining the same production as conventional agricultural workers.In the citrus farm in the Guangxi Chiwan Autonomous Region, the effect of preventing spider mites has been improved by 90 % compared to conventional labor.

[Via Tech in Asia] @Techinasia

[Original text]

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