At present, homes that are unmanned during the day, such as living alone and working together, are no longer unusual.In addition, unlike the old idyllic era when local exclusive communities were crime deterrence, it is not expected that crime from the eyes of local residents, such as calling out to children, cannot be expected to prevent crime due to the eyes of neighboring residents.It is.Therefore, crime prevention measures for self -defense are essential.
As a security measure, locking is of course not enough.Many of them are still widely used, such as Crescent locks, cylinder locks at the entrance door, and thumb turns, which are often used in sashes.In the case of rental housing, even if you understand the danger, you may not be able to work on the contract.Furthermore, in the first floor room, it is easy to destroy the sash glass from the veranda and enter.In fact, when I was damaged by the nesting, the residents on the first floor of the same apartment, all four households, were cracked and invaded.
Possible damage is not limited to theft at home.Bicycles placed in front of your home at night may be stolen or mischievous by your own car in the parking lot, or harassment in the absence of residents due to neighborhood troubles.Some people may have a feeling of teeth without being able to hold down the scene, such as being trapped in the garden, throwing garbage in the garden, and always leaving dog dung in front of the entrance.In such a case, surveillance cameras are useful.
However, if you introduce a surveillance camera, it may be a big deal.It is natural that the function to continue recording is required 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, but someday the storage capacity will be insufficient.It is also necessary to delete old video data regularly.Considering not only shooting as evidence, but also a mechanism that immediately notices when something is wrong, it will be quite expensive.So how about a surveillance camera system using ASUSTOR NAS?
The Surveillance Center of ASUSTOR NAS is a genuine ASUSTOR application that integrates network cameras.The number of network cameras that can be managed varies depending on the model, from eight AS10 series to 49 AS7 series.Since the license for four network cameras is included, if it is usually used, it will be enough within the range of free use.
The network camera that supports the Surveillance Center can be found on the Assustor compatibility page.Japanese brands include Buffalo, Canon, Panasonic, and Sony.In addition, manufacturers and model products that are not listed here are likely to be available if they are products that support RTSP protocols.If you already have a network camera, please check the specifications.
Surveillance Centerに対応しているネットワークカメラはASUSTORの互換性ページ(から確認できるSurveillance Center is installed from App Central.You can log in to the ADM with administrator privileges, press the Surveillance Center installation button from the app center, then follow the instructions.The Surveillance Center uses Surveillance as a storage folder, but it is automatically created at the time of installation and does not need to be created in advance.
ADMには管理者権限を持つアカウントでログインデスクトップにある「App Central」のアイコンをクリックApp Centralの「カテゴリ」から「セキュリティ」を選択Surveillance Centerの「インストール」をクリックSurveillance Centerは共有フォルダ「Surveillance」が必要な他、9つのポートを使用する。共有フォルダは自動的に作成されるWhen the installation is completed, set the Surveillance Center.Install the dedicated application and click the quick start from the setting menu when you can connect to the Surveillance Center.The Surveillance Center can be started from the ASUSTOR CONTROL CENTER service menu in addition to clicking the icon from the ADM.
デスクトップにSurveillance Centerのアイコンが作られるのでクリックSurveillance CenterはASUSTOR Control Centerからも起動することができる初回起動時に専用アプリケーションのインストールを行うインストールが完了すると専用アプリケーションが立ち上がり、ライブビュー画面が表示される。まだカメラがないのでなにも写らない設定メニューからクイックスタートを選択右側のエリアをクリックすると接続済ネットワークカメラのスキャンが行われるIf the network camera is connected but not found, it will be added manually.Camera models are selected from options, but if you don't have an option, choosing a model close to the same brand may work.If it is still useless, or if the brand is not an option in the first place, set it directly.
If you select "User-Defined" for the brand, you can set it directly.For the model, select either "Generic Mjpeg", "Multiple RTP OVER RTSP (TCP)", "RTP OVER RTSP (TCP)", and "RTSP AND RTP OVER HTTP".As far as I tried, "Generic Mjpeg" could be live view, but it didn't seem to record.Since the audio is not supported, a network camera that can use any of the RTSP methods seems better.
スキャンで見つからなかった場合は「キャンセル」を押して手動設定を行う。ここで「OK」をクリックすると再スキャンになってしまうので注意「手動で追加」をクリックカメラのモデル、IPアドレス、ポートを指定ユーザー名とパスワードを入力。テストをクリックして接続が確認されれば「確認」欄にチェックが入るカメラ名、品質等を指定。モデルによって選択肢は異なる手動設定後、「テスト」をクリックして画像が表示されればOK動画・オーディオの設定。今回使用したネットワークカメラはオーディオ非対応のためdisableになっているカメラが追加されたWhen the camera can be added, then click the "Record" button to set the recording time zone.Each day, you can specify what records and alarms to be recorded every 30 minutes.Continuous records perform regular recording."Moving record" is recording when the camera recognizes the dynamic, "alarm record" starts when a camera alarm function occurs, and the "movement and alarm record" occurs when one of them occurs.In the case of a camera that does not support movement records or alarm records, only continuous records can be selected.
If you set the use restriction of the disk, etc., the setting is completed for the time being.The contents set in the quick start can be changed from the camera in the setting menu later.However, since the camera model cannot be changed, in that case, the original camera is deleted and the camera is added again.
記録時間帯の設定。対人センサ対応カメラであれば動き記録、アラーム記録などの設定ができるディスクの利用量制限などを設定。これで完了カメラがないならスマホを使えばいいじゃない1|2|3次のページへCopyright © ITmedia, Inc.All Rights Reserved.