[Beware of phishing fraud, what is the URL of each mobile company?] -The mobile phone Watch


 Although it is not a new trick, there is still a type of internet fraud called "phishing fraud" that disguised as a news email from a company and inputs personal information on a fake website.

 In some cases, a mobile carrier guide email and SMS, and in recent years, there have been advanced tricks such as disguising the SMS sender, which has a mixed message in the same thread as the real guide.。In addition, the fake site itself is faithfully reproduced, making it difficult to distinguish.

 It is important to confirm whether it is an official URL of each company as one of the judgment materials for not accessing such suspicious sites and not entering personal information even if accessed.

 On the other hand, as the business area of mobile carriers is expanding other than communication, the number of domains owned and operated by each company is increasing, so it is difficult to distinguish the real URL.

 In this article, the "URLs listed in the regular guide message" and "URL of the correct login page" published by each company are summarized.

 In addition, it may be possible to distribute a regular message including the URL not in this list in the campaign.In addition, if the HTML format email is displayed, the actual access destination may be different even if a regular URL is displayed in the sentence.It is a good idea to comprehensively judge one judgment, including whether there is no suspicious point other than the URL.

[フィッシング詐欺に注意、携帯各社の“本物”のURLは?] - ケータイ Watch

 NTT DOCOMO has released a list of "Link URLs described in DOCOMO Official SMS" as a reference material in the announcement on June 17, 2019, "Please be careful of the fishing SMS that pretends to be DoCoMo!"If the URL that is not included in the list is listed in the guide message, it is alerted not to access it.

 The URL of the regular "d account" login screen contains "smt.docomo.ne.jp/".If it does not fall under this, it is highly possible that the fake login screen is likely to be a fake login screen, and calls for not entering IDs or passwords even if the URL contains a character string such as "docomo".

 KDDI has published a support page for "to safely use au services" and "to safely use au ID and password", and also pretend to be a carrier and SMS.It informs the case and dangers of.

 Although the List of the URL described in the official guidance has not been published, it is doubtful that URLs that are not familiar, such as "○○○ .auone.jp" and "△△△ .u.com".If it is a URL, it is alerted not to enter ID, password, PIN.

 The URL of the regular "au ID" login screen starts with "https://connect.auone.jp/".In particular, as a case where information is particularly likely to be accidentally entered, such as "auone.jp. ○○.com has an unauthorized string behind the correct URL" or auone ○ .jp, "The correct URLWhen entering an au ID or password, be sure to check the browser address column when entering an au ID or password.

 Softbank published a notice on November 2018, "Notes on suspicious e -mail for fishing for fishing for SoftBank."We introduced the characteristics of suspicious emails and fishing sites and urged them to be careful.

 The URL of the company's official website is "https://www.softbank.jp/", and the URL of the regular "My SoftBank" login screen is "https://my.softbank.jp" or "https: // ID.It starts with either my.softbank.jp.