Past article summary links related to Aegis Ahachoa

 On December 18, the government reviewed the two Aegishashor deployment plan and changed to two Aegis ships.The conclusion was postponed about acquiring enemy base attack capabilities that had been considered at the same time.Apart from the enemy base attack capacity, it has been decided that domestic anti -ship missiles have been long -range as a long -distance stand -off weapon for island defense.

[PDF] About the development of new missile defense systems and strengthening stand -off defense capabilities: Swanwa December 18, 2nd National Security Cabinet Cabinet decision


 At present, alternative Aegis ships the SPY-7 radar contracted with Lockheed Martin for Aegishachoa as it is, and does not change the size of the radar panel size by adjusting the number of modules.It will be designed as a ship.

 From the beginning of the promotion of the deployment candidate site in 2018, the author is "It is unlikely to be deployed at the Akita City Shinya Exercise Center, Akita City, Akita Prefecture, right next to the city,"It was impossible to drop all. "He was in favor of strengthening ballistic missile defense, but the selection of the Aegishachor deployment location and the Ministry of Defense had a great question.These are the opinions that have been cast earlier than anyone.

 The ostensibly reason why the government decided to review the Aegishachore plan in 2020 was the problem of falling in Yamaguchi Prefecture, but the main reason is the Ministry of Defense repeatedly made a major mistake in explaining to Akita Prefecture.It would have been.Because if the only problem is a booster falling, there is no need to change the deployment to Akita right next to the sea.Even if it was deployed in Yamaguchi, only the launcher was placed on the coast or the ocean and remotely controlled it.

 In other words, the government would have been inevitable that it would be difficult to persuade the local residents in the terrestrial proposal and would not be able to strengthen early, and even if the deployed location was changed, it would be inevitable that the land would be violently rebounded in the land.Even a mega -float plan on the sea near the coast and even a megaphrot plan on the sea near the coast, and even a piled -type fixed offshore rig plan, it was abandoned early.It was only a method that could be deployed offshore.There was no other way to strengthen within five years.However, the Aegis A -Shore Alternative will change the design with the Aegis ship, and there is no guarantee to be completed in five years.Nevertheless, it took 10 years and 20 years to persuade the residents on the ground proposal, and there was a possibility that the Korean Peninsula would be in time.

 In this way, the Aegishachore Plan, which was the most cost -effective among the candidates, could no longer be continued.It is a matter of course that any alternative is to be expensive, because you can no longer choose the cheapest plan.This responsibility lies in the Ministry of Defense and the government, which continued to provide dishonest explanations to local residents.There are still many mysterious points, such as the process of selecting radar and not adjusting the size due to offshore diversion, so it cannot be said that it is fulfilled.

Related article: After reviewing the deployment of Aegis Ashore

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Related article: Before reviewing the deployment of Aegis Ashore

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Related article: enemy base attack ability

  1. 「敵基地攻撃能力」では弾道ミサイルを阻止できない根拠と実戦例
  2. 対北朝鮮と対中国で全く異なる「敵基地攻撃能力」