Pay attention to the e -sports category from the abundant world prepared in the educational version of Minecraft.Introducing the world of "Creative Crash: Working Bachi" following the previous one.
This time, the members of the "Children and IT" editorial department actually tried to gather honey.Let's tell you what the e -sports on Micra are, and the state of your hug (?).
By the way, there was a little question in my mind.That is, "How far will this be established as an e -sport?"It is easier to say that the player is a work that is a working drift, divided into two teams, and it is better to collect nectar efficiently in a large garden. "
First, you need the skills to operate Ellitra to wander around a large garden.You may be able to practice at the school before you start, but you may not be able to clear it.In addition, the rocket flower (honey in the game) to accelerate during flight can only be used up at the start stage, and if it is used up, it will be difficult to roll around the garden.I feel anxious before I started.
学校以外で使うには? ライセンス購入から利用準備まで遊んでみた! 充実のワールドからマルチプレイまで一挙解説!教育版5周年の大型アップデート「GOAT Update」 40人マルチプレイに対応!ワールド紹介【1】冒険しながら、英語も学べる「ケンブリッジ大学の英語アドベンチャー」ワールド紹介【2】プログラミングに楽しく挑戦!「Hour of Code 2020」ワールド紹介【3】マイクラでeスポーツ!(準備編)「クリエイティブクラッシュ:働きバチ」ワールド紹介【4】対戦!オトナと子ども ~マイクラでeスポーツ!(実践編)(随時更新中)