What kind of genre is popular for those who have seen videos of "Business YouTuber"?

Conducted a survey on "Business YouTuber"

 Of the people who watched business -based YouTuber videos and live distribution, 73 responded that they had "helped"..0 % -The results have been found in a survey on Nexer's Trend Rich Search and Filments, a business -based YouTuber.[Image] I heard if you have seen videos and live distribution of "Business YouTuber" that send information about the ranking side job, investment, work efficiency, etc. you have seen.The percentage of those who answered "there is 19.It was 6 %.

「ビジネス系YouTuber」の動画を見たことがある人は19.6% どんなジャンルが人気なのか

What kind of business videos and distribution did you watch?

 Specifically, we asked what videos and live distribution have been seen.The first place is "investment system" 55.5 %, 2nd place is 31 in "side business system".3 %, 3rd place is 30 in "self -development system".2 %, 4th place is "work efficiency system" 24.6 %, 5th place is "management" 22.It was 3 %.

Did it actually help?

 We asked anyone who had seen business -based YouTuber videos and live distribution if they were actually useful.73 people answered that they have been useful.It was 0 %.From those who answered that they were useful in the "investment system", "it was helpful to judge the precedent investment of stocks" (men in their 70s), "I explained the disadvantages in an easy -to -understand manner, so I decided to stop investing."I became" (woman in my thirties), and other voices were heard.There were voices saying that they could learn the types and basics of the investment, and that they were able to be positive for investment.In the "side business", "I understand the side job I can do myself" (a woman in my 20s), "I have a perception that I can make money" (female in my 40s), "I understand the inside of the side job I want to try" (There was a voice like a man in his 30s).In the "self -development system", "there are times when you break your stereotypes", "it may not be actually useful but it has become easier" (both male in the 60s), "I have a way of thinking about work.I heard voices such as "I changed" (male in my 50s).Many voices said they would raise their "work motivation."

The voice of the person who answered "I have never seen it"

 I asked someone who answered the business YouTuber videos and live distribution as "I have never seen it."Then, the person who answered "yes" 9.It was 6 %. 見たいと思ったことがある人からは、「空いた時間に勉強になるものを視聴したいと思ったときにYouTubeは最適」(40代男性)、「参考になることがあるかもしれないと思ったことと、仕事に生かしていけるものがあればという希望もあって」(50代女性)というコメントが寄せられた。 見たいと思ったことがない人からは、「動画より書籍などでゆっくり読んだ方が頭に入るから」(30代女性)、「YouTubeは娯楽として利用している」「ビジネス系の情報は求めていない。情報自体があまり信用性がない」(ともに50代男性)などの声が聞かれた。 今回の調査は、全国の男女を対象にインターネットで行った。期間は1月15~17日、有効回答数は2388人。

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